This has been an ongoing thing for weeks. She’s improving, but she still grabs and pokes other children at least once a day. I can’t figure out the root cause of it, because she’s not mad and it’s not a power thing. Her teacher seems equally baffled. It’s not bullying in the traditional sense– like, nothing I’ve read about bullying applies to her in motive or in practice. It’s just random physical violence, and besides the daily shove, she’s very affectionate and tender towards her friends, and the teacher said most of them like her. The only possibilities I can think of is that she’s (A) bored, or (B) frustrated by work that’s difficult for her and not difficult for others; like maybe she’s lashing out at them when they’re able to do math she can’t. I don’t know. Sigh. We role-play situations at home, and she’s on a behavior chart. I just hope it’s kindergarten transition and something she grows out of quickly. I’m going on a field trip with her Wednesday and doing classroom volunteering on Thursday, so– please. Please. Let things go well.

If you want to share your own Mom Moment, you can visit Living Well’s Mom Moments giveaway. For six weeks starting October 12, Living Well, an online resource to connect Canadians to experts and topics to improve their daily life, is inviting Canadian moms to share their own experiences for a chance to win $5,000 or one of six Johnson & Johnson prize packs (valued at $500 each). Stop by each week, check out their new topic, add your moment, and cross your fingers!
DOCUMENTARY STYLE UPDATE: Since posting this entry, Addie hasn’t had a single hitting incident. She has renounced her past actions and given her life over to Good Niceness, and we’re all feeling hopeful.
My youngest, an early talker like the rest of my guys, at age 1 1/2 took a little fall on the sidewalk. He was mad and said “STIDIOUT”. A lady walking past said “Wow, did you kid just stay studious?”. No, sadly, it was his short form for “Stupid Idiot”. A proud mom moment….
I had the same problem with me youngest daughter. This year she went into Grade One which she is finding much more challenging than Primary which was all fun and games. Now she has real work to do, and since she wants to be the best at everything she is getting frustrated by work that’s difficult for her and not difficult for others; and she’s lashing out. In one week the hit two people, bite one, and pulled down a boys pants. The behavoir was so out of character it took us by surprise. Yes she is a Diva, but she has never done anything like this before. I
work at the school, and know the staff and teachers well, and everyone thought that it was funny. It was funny, but also serious, and a stop had to be put to it immediantly so I had them keep her after school and sent to the Principals office. That seemed to put enough fear in her that the behavior immediantly stopped. We also had her sent to Resource which helped her reading skills, because she was working in small groups, which in turn boosted her confidence. Like her mother she has to learn the you do not have to be the best at everything to succeed. A hard lesson to learn.
Every fall when my son goes back to school it takes him about a month and a half to get back into the school routine. During the summer he is very active and seldom sits for more time than it takes to eat – naturally sitting down all day then becomes a challenge. Every year, the first round of parent teacher meetings (it get worse as they get older because you have to speak with more teachers) they all say the same things – he’s not focused and he doesn’t stay on task. After 8 years of school you would think that I would have found a way to get him to concentrate on something for longer periods of time and avoid this issue but I am at a loss. So, once again this fall, I am headed to his school in a weeks time to be chastized for his lack of concentration. If only it could be something different!
Its a good thing that I do not turn red or embarass. I am a huge character and their are alot of characters, on my late moms side of the family. My children bless them are huge characters. They knew too much and when they were little they used to start to discuss my period in a fast food reastaraunt and on the bus.