I am a huge fan of sheep stories – honestly, I find them inherently funny, so it takes a bit to wreck a sheep tale for me. And this spring? Two new titles! It’s like they know me… The Great Sheep Shenanigans
by Peter Bently
Andersen Press
ISBN: 978 1 84939 384 3
The cleverly named wolf Lou Pine is after some tasty sheepy dinner, and tries to creep through a hedge, only to come face to face with Rambo, the large and rather protective ram who lives with the flock. figuring he will need to take a craftier tack, Lou starts looking for a disguise. Several attempts do not work out, until he visits Little Red Riding Hood’s granny and threatens her into knitting him a sheep suit. Granny has a trick or two of her own, however, and Lou is, in the end, foiled just on the very edge of success.
This book, told in rhyme, is a pretty sure kid-pleaser, with the messes he gets into and particularly, with the ending, which involves poo. Yes, the author knows his audience, that’s for sure! The illustrations are fun and silly, and make a good match, as well, and the whole is, while not great literature, an enjoyable read and well-pitched for kids.
Little Lamb, Have You Any Wool?
Isabel Minhos Martins
ISBN: 978 0 92697 314 2
This is a sweet little book about a very chilly boy who asks a lamb for some wool to make himself some warm layers for winter. In the end, though, he realizes that he has taken the lamb’s own wool, and returns to the lamb to give him some woollies he has knitfor the creature, as well.
It’s a simple little book, and has quite a strong pattern. The temptation is to try and read it as if it were in rhyme, thanks to the nursery rhyme, but it is in fact not. The illustrations, too, are simple, and have a charm to them that makes this a nice one for little kids.