It is with a heavy heart that I bid you farewell my dear readers. After writing Juice (and other various columns and taking on the role of Editorial Director here at UrbanMoms) in this space for several years, my career path has taken a turn and I will be taken my talents to South Beach (or Canadian Family, as it were). I want to thank you for reading, snarking, commenting. I want to thank you for loving pop culture as I do.
You can always find me at my personal blog, Cheaper Than Therapy, where I can assure you, I will be still be dishing the Juice, and bringing you lots of great pop culture news and reviews, including the lovely photos I took of my television early this morning…
(These images are courtesy of me and my iphone and my television. Please don’t steal)
I will miss you all…but I’m sure our paths will cross again. At least on twitter – @alimartell – come and find me!
Congrats on the new gig – so excited for you! You will be very missed at UrbanMoms. Look forward to hearing about your new downtown adventures!
We’ll miss you Ali. All the best!
I hope you love it, Ali – and I think you’d better arrive in a fancy carriage for your grand entrance!
good luck ali! all the best, Nancy
Farewell Ali! You will be missed here. 🙁 Best of luck at your new job.
And on you go… I’m happy for your new job!
Good luck, Ali! I look forward to reading you at your new digs. And still at Therapy, too.
Congratulations and love the royal wave!
so long, farewell, auf weidersein, adieu. you will be missed! good luck with your new job!
What an event to go out on Ali! Good luck with the new gig and I’ll be reading you at cheaperthantherapy (and someday I’ll be able to comment…dumb computer).
Exciting times ahead!
I am one of your greatest Juice fans, so sad that this is your last post. Wishing you all the best. You’re going to be missed!
I’m going to miss you on the pages of UrbanMoms, but I look forward to following you on other pages!!
XXOO Ali! *sob* We’ll miss you.
Oh, Ali, you are such a huge piece of UrbanMoms and will be dearly missed. Have fun with your next adventure, though. It sounds so exciting!
Love. Will miss you here, my darling, but I know where to find you…
Congratulations and best of luck, Ali!! (You won’t need it though, you maven.) RAWR!!