My Grandma turned 89 years old last week. Isn’t she beautiful?
She’s probably my most favourite person in the world- she’d be your favourite person too if you had the chance to meet her. Some people are just born sweet, and she most certainly was born with a heart of gold.
She rarely tells me anything, but she has lived her life and I have learned.
Don’t Forget To Write Letters- My grandma writes long letters to her sisters and brothers, friends, prayer partners, anyone who needs one. She tells stories, reminds them of days gone by, and looks forward to future meetings. She’s the best writer I know.
Be Kind To Everyone- I have never seen my Grandmother be unkind- ever. She has a kind word for everyone, a smile for bypassers, a word of encouragement for neighbours and friends. There is hardly a person in her neighbourhood or church that doesn’t know her by name and rushes over to greet her with a hug.
Love Your Family- Growing up, my entire family would get together for Sunday dinner- roast beef, roast potatoes, carrots, turnip (ew), and dessert. We did this EVERY SUNDAY for as long as I can remember. My Grandma exudes warmth and love and made sure her family knew that they were important to her (and it doesn’t hurt that she did it through food!!)
Overcome Your Past- My Grandma grew up very, very poor, with an alcoholic father and a mother with too many kids. She had to leave school, work hard, and give up most of her childhood to help out her family. She became a nurse and nurtured three beautiful children who have gone on to success. She didn’t repeat her past- she married a wonderful, faithful man, worked hard and has been rewarded. Yes, her past helped shape her, but it isn’t who she is or what defines her.
When In Doubt, Pray- My Grandma prays for her entire family, everyday. She prays for the big and the small. She’d pray for a stranger on the street as quickly as she’d pray for her best friend. When my husband and I were buying a house, she prayed. When we were having The Boy, she prayed. It’s awesome to have someone looking out for you and talking to The Big Guy on your behalf.
That’s only a snippet of what my Grandma has taught me as I’ve grown up. I only hope I’m able to pass on such great lessons as The Boy grows older.
You are so very blessed to have your Grandmother in my life, mine passed away when I was five months pregnant with my first baby. She had Alzheimer’s, and didn’t even know who I was, never mind that I was having a child. Cherish what she has to tell you, and take time to learn how to cook those turnips and the rest of the Sunday dinner. There will come a day when you would give almost anything to share a meal with her again. She is a wonderful gift to you and your family.
awww – I love this post! What a beautiful grandma! I lost mine a year and a half ago at 103!!!! It’s so special that the Boy gets to have lots of time with her. Ours was short but I’ll always treasure it!
Your Grandma is indeed a beautiful, kind, sweet person and I’ve been the recipient of many of her wonderful, encouraging letters. She truly is one of the kindest people I’ve met and I feel so privileged to know her.
this is so lovely.
especially the writing letters part.
I think our wiser and older relations are crucial to helping us not forget some very important facts like the ones you listed here, especially about where we came from.
I just read this blog to Grandma.
She said that she was privileged to hear such lovely words.
She also said that she is so thankful to God for her grandchildren (& now a great-grandchild-“The Boy”)….she mentioned that her “senior” years would have been so lonely without her grandchildren!
Awe Grandma! She is amazing – and do not forget the best cook EVER! She is love at it’s best – to everybody no matter who you are. She really is the most amazing women ever! So blessed to have her.
She sounds a lot like my Nana, who I lost on Christmas Eve 2002.
I only ever got to see her during the summers as she lived in Belfast, with most of the rest of my family.
She came the summer after Cam was born and we had a very long and intimate conversation about the stillborn baby she had before my mother was born. I connected with her on a level I never had before and I cherish that summer that I spent with her. She died the following year very suddenly.
This is such a lovely post honouring a wonderful lady! She will be very proud (and humble, I bet) to read it.
From the first day I met her she made me feel like I had always been apart of the family. She is truly the most kind/loving person I have ever met.