Quite a while ago when I hung off of the words of a few very wise and dear friends, two of them said two completely opposing and yet ultimately true things. And poetically, on the very same day. Life is short. Life is long.
Life is short. If you are unhappy and you have done everything possible to try to make your current situation work and it can’t, life is too short to waste more time trying to fix it. Get out of the situation. Job, marriage, friendship, home- whatever it might be, after the duty and loyalty can’t cover off for the misery, the toxic relationship or the moldy basement it is time to move on.This is not to be confused with assuming the grass is greener on the other side. I take investment quotes and apply them to life. “Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks”.(Warren Buffet). 80 year old women don’t regret wearing a bikini longer than they ‘should’ have or are ever sorry to have taken that decadent trip. 80 year old men are never sorry that they picked up tulips on their way home just because. No one ever regrets the extra kisses, kind gestures or telling someone they love them repeatedly and more importantly why they do. At the same time, when you finally leave something that needs to be left (and I have yet to find a person who takes this lightly), you never look back except to make the looking forward right.
Life is long. If you are lucky, you will live 8 decades. That is almost 30,000 silent breakfasts or going to bed mads. It is up around 3000 dreaded Monday mornings if you hate your work, and thousands of looking in the mirror if you dislike your body. It is millions of nasty voices if you are not kind to yourself and several hundred lonely moments if you don’t push yourself to get out there. It is years of regret if you don’t think hard and reflect on what you need to do and do just that right now. “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken” (Warren Buffet-again-he is often right- just look at his wealth)
Life is short and life is long. Govern yourself accordingly.
Thank you so much for Idas- I love that “soul vitamins”-I am so happy to connect with you-n
Great post!! Skipping over to your other blog for more re-inforcements. Soul vitamins.