Hi guys. I am thinking about taking up running. I see so many women my age doing this and I think it is something that I could fit into my life. However, I am about 20lbs overweight and I really don’t know where to begin. I don’t want to injure myself or get discouraged. I am a bit intimidated by the Running Room. Any advice?
Oh I’m so happy to see this post, mom2boys! 🙂 I was going to post a similar question, thank you!Looks like we have some very informative people here, I am excited! 🙂
Don’t let being overweight stop you from starting, running is an excellent way to get healthy. My advise, start slowly and set yourself up for success. Walk more than you run at first, ie. 1 minute of running to 10 minutes of walking, every few days or each week you can add a minute to your running and take one away from your walking. Eventuall those numbers will get reversed and you will be doing 10 minutes of running to 1 minute of walking. After that, the sky is the limit!
Another way to ensure success is that you feed and hydrate yourself well.
Before your run: Eat a small snack about 1 hour before you head out (1 fruit and a few almonds), and drink 1-2 cups of water about 15 minutes beforehand.
After your run: Drink another 1-2 glasses of water and no more than 2 hours after eat a meal consisting of about 60% carbs, 25% protein and 15% fat. This might be 1/2 – 1 cup of healthy whole grains with a 3oz side serving of lean protein and plenty of vegetables.
Hope that helps!
Hi there
Firstly I would reccomend about a month of strength training first to prevent injury.
Beyond that starting with a simple walk to run program. You will start with short intervals of running ( 1-2 minutes) followed by walk breaks of 2-3 minutes. Each week start with a slight increase in running and a slight decrease in walking ( very gradual) The key is too go slow until you work up to your first 5 k.
Make sure that you do a light 5 minute run followed by a stretch. Then begin your run. 20 minutes 3 times weekly for the first month followed by a 10 minute increase in time and perhaps an additional day. The running room of course has learn to run clinics that are perfect for people starting out. In addition some FITMOMs across Canada have run clubs..
You are right running is an easy thing to squeeze in. You can take anywhere.It is very accessibe!! Good Luck getting started!