If there’s one housekeeping duty I am perpetually failing at, it is keeping up with our family’s laundry. We have a huge laundry room with plenty of room for folding, which also means there is plenty of room to let those six dozen hampers quietly fester while I close the door.

I think my biggest issue is in the all-or-nothing approach I take to it. I am fine with keeping the clothes moving through the washer to the dryer, but after that I toss them in the hamper and wait a month to fold them. Then I have to spend half the day chained to the overwhelming heaps of it all and I hate it. If only I could do (and actually fold and put away!) a load a day, I would not have this problem. Alas.
What is your most-dreaded chore? The one you’re always wishing you were better at?
I hate laundry as well, but I have help. My 5 1/2 year old twins know where to put dirty laundry and once it’s washed, they fold their own and put it away. They started at age 3.
They only just graduated to folding, but at three I got tired of hearing “that’s not mine”, so I pull it out of the dryer and they take what is theirs and put it away. I don’t know if you give your oldest chores, but if she helped you and you don’t care what the drawers look like inside…..it might just help 🙂
Do I have to pick just one?? I’m not a big fan of any chores. I’d rather play with my kids or hide in a room and read a book. 🙂 If I had to pick one to have someone else do, it’d be laundry also. I would (and will one day) love to teach B to do the laundry, make it her job, but I’m a perfectionist and a bit of a control freak…what if she doesn’t fold stuff the “right” way? So instead it piles up until I have 20 loads to do (NOT exaggerating). I have (for like a week) done a load a day and I must say it was way less overwhelming. But it didn’t last long. Really, why would I do the one chore I hate EVERY day??
“all the orphaned socks” I mean
sorting socks! I cant understand where al the orphand socks have gone to! So I just leave them in a big bin and it depresses me to walk by it
I hate vacuuming. I have just always loathed it. I suppose if it was all put together, just sitting there and ready to use, I might hate it less, but lugging it up from the basement, or hauling all the hoses and stuff out of a closet makes me cross and sweaty, and I’d really just prefer that someone else do it. Ack.