There are some pretty fine things in life that I have been slow in discovering. I lived most of my days without these things in them, but now that they’re here, I am a bit happier. Here they are:
1. Eyebrow Threading. My eyebrows are sneaky little snakes. They are sparse and shapeless and have always needed some kind of grooming. For the first 27 years of my life I, rather unsuccessfully, tried to tweeze them into shape, but I sucked at it. I could never get them to cooperate. Then I tried threading. For five bucks, a sweet little east Indian woman yanks the wayward hairs out and beats the remaining follicles into submission. The results are well worth the few minutes of burning pain and I highly recommend threading.

2. Coffee. I dabbled in the world of coffee a bit before I had kids, but it took until the birth of my third child for me to really start NEEDING coffee to help me limp through my days without collapsing in a sleep-deprived heap of woe. I try to keep it to one cup a day and I still drink it with far too much cream and sugar, but wow, coffee is swell. I can’t believe it took me this long to figure that out.
3. Regular Exercise. My reputation as a sloth has long preceded me. I have had short stints of taking up long-distance running or doing the 30 Day Shred for a month then quitting it forever. But once I started boot camp this year, things changed. Those mythical endorphins I heard everyone talking about actually made an appearance and I love the way they boost my energy and confidence and fitness level.
4. Wine. I grew up in an alcohol-free home. My grandfather was a severe alcoholic so my parents made the choice not to have an alcohol in their lives. I was lucky enough to spend my high school days with a group of super cool drama geeks who didn’t feel the need to party, so evaded the under-age binge drinking so many teens try. Then I grew up and moved to the Okanagan Valley, which is wine country. I tasted my first few sips of wine years ago and didn’t enjoy the taste, but more recently I have developed a palate that enjoys a nice variety of whites and reds and there is something so beautiful about sitting on a patio, surrounded by friends, sipping a glass of sweet, chilled Riesling. (Enjoying wine in moderation is very important to me and I am aware of the genetic tendencies that lurk in my family history, so I never have more than two drinks, and only drink a couple times per month.)

5. Texting. I don’t spend a lot of time on my cell phone. My husband and a couple friends are the only people who even know my number. I used to have a really old phone that was really annoying to text with, so I never bothered. Then my husband got an upgrade to his work cell phone and I got his castaway Blackberry. Hooray! Texting is fun. It’s so quick and easy. I know, welcome to the 21st century. Like I said, I’m slow on the uptake.
Are there any things for which you are a late bloomer? Do tell.
Except for the threading, I’ve managed to successfully tame my eyebrows on my own.
I am so jealous of where you live – for the wine. (OK, the scenery is spectacular too.) We got into wine a few years ago, also in moderation, and now plan our trip to the coast to include a day in your area just to buy the fantastic wines there!
Yeah, uh….speaking of texting. I was promised hundreds of texts per day and I’m still waiting. 🙂
I tend to be late to the technological party, which would explain why I just got my first blackberry.
sex actually
haven’t looked back 🙂
I was late to the Twitter party and the smart phone party….now I’m an addict!
Good for you on the threading….I find it AGONY! Wax away on any part of my body and nothing…but the threading…I can’t do it!
Me too with the texting… I can barely even remember my cell phone number, I use it so infrequently. I’m sooooooo not techno-savvy, it’s almost embarrassing!!
I’m with you on texting – my husband and I both had Blackberries so I just emailed him. Then I became friends with a 30’something gal and now we’re texting like 15 year old BFFs! I hadn’t used the texting feature on my BB for the first 2 years after I got it and I actually had to call my provider to get it working again (minor technical glitch).