Remember when you were a kid and you watched Friday the 13th movies? We used to watch them endlessly at my friend Wendy’s while we’d hold hands with whoever we were ‘going around’ with at the time. Ah memories. Remember this music???
You really only need to listen to the beginning! We thought (and I thought I was right…but the wonder of google…which didn’t exist back then…tells me maybe not) that he was saying ‘kill – kill – kill’. Didn’t you?
Anyway – Sunday night, we were at my sister’s getting ready to blow out her birthday candles when Will said something along the lines of ‘I’m going to win and then I will kill you.’
WHAT? HUH? Could anything sound odder coming out of a three-year olds mouth? I didn’t react then – my sister and I sort of looked at each other oddly and just let it go. But please…as if I can let that go. That night in the tub, we had a convo along these lines.
Mom – Will can we have a talk.
Will – Sure mommy, whaaaaaaaaaaat do you want to talk about?
M – Remember when you said you were going to kill Auntie? That isn’t a very nice to thing to say (only I can say that…KIDDING) and I’d like you to not use that word anymore. Just like ‘hate’. It’s very mean.
W – Well (garble garble garble) says it!
M – Who? Josh? (NO MOM – GARBLE) Alexei (NO MOM)? ooooh ZURG?
W – Yeah Mom – Zurg says it to Buzz.
M – Well he shouldn’t – it’s not a nice thing to say.
W – Well he does so I will.
M – (yes – I pulled this one out). Well! I’m not Zurg’s mom…and I’m telling you not to say it anymore because I’m your mom.
Ah – sweet patheticness. I did recover and explained that killing means the person isn’t here anymore and it’s like dying but not in a nice way. I’m kidding myself that he understood – but he does understand that we aren’t using it anymore.
Then I had to hunt it down. Does Zurg really say that? Yup.
So what are your trigger words? I don’t think I have any besides ‘hate’ and ‘kill’. But maybe I won’t know it until I hear it – because hearing Kill made me cringe! Picture this angel (bahahahah) saying that word…(wait a minute…maybe this is how my mom felt when I dropped the eff bomb all the time – should have blamed it on Zurg!)
Agreed on stupid, hate, and kill.
Of course, now my daughter is into SuperMario and intent on killing the creatures there, so it’s getting greyer, that one, at least where she is concerned when playing the game, gah.
And my little one has noticed that stupid is not okay, so he likes to use it to push my buttons, which drives me nuts, but 3 y.o.’s will do that to you. Trying to continue to reinforce that it’s not okay to say without making it such a big deal that it’s tempting!
Hmmmm words my kiddies are not permitted to say are the following: Stupid, dumb, hate, kill, dummy, retard
We have had several episodes of swear words used because really they heard them from their father (of course never from uh er me).
My Ryley is on a major mission on how many times a day he can say he is going to kill somebody – I have chosen to ignore him because it is all for my reaction now:)
My girls will say “hate” then correct themselves to say “strongly dislike”. 🙂 It was a word I didn’t like to hear at such tender ages. Stupid, shut-up and swear words are also out. I have the occasional light swear bomb from my 13 yr old that she quickly apologizes for. These I tend to chalk up to age, self expression etc… Funny I don’t remember “kill” too much but then again I have two girls. I did however start the kissing bandit when they were very young and would pretend to use a gun. “Oh shooting me with love are you” and then run after them with kisses.
I don’t like ‘hate’ either. My other issue is ‘stupid’ which they hear all the time from cartoons. I agree on ‘shut up’ and I also don’t like ‘kill’. I wish I could pinpoint where my 5yr old one heard that but he hasn’t been forthcoming. He always blames his dad, lol. I will have to give them kudos on not using swear words even though they hear their daddy use them (or mommy – I shamefully admit letting one slip every once in a while).
reminds me of my oldest when she was little and said ” I know the C word mommy”
and I saw life and death flash before me
yes it was “crap” but I feared otherwise
i can’t bare the word “bored” or when teenage girls say ” do we like her?” (??!!!)
Yes Jackie! That’s one that I won’t put up with either….I’m just trying to picture him saying it …nope!
Our bad words also include shut up. As they get older I have to remind my oldest to not swear in front of me, as I find it upsetting and extremely disrespectful.
Our “bad words” are kill, hate, & stupid.
The other day my Missy said “Mommy someping smells like ashes”. We were in the bathroom at the time so I HAD to ask her to repeat herself. This was one of those times that I confirmed she meant “like cigarettes” & not a$$es.
Good Grief!!