After spending hours on our cell phone at the hospital telling family and friends about the birth of our youngest daughter, I finally got a hold of my brother to share the news with him.
“Oh, I already know,” he explained. “I called your house just to say hello and Avelyn told me that you had the baby.”
“Great!” I replied.
“Yeah, as soon as I got on the phone she hollered, ‘My mom had the baby and it CAME OUT OF HER VULVA!'” he elaborated.
Dear me.
That’s a conversation re-cap you wished you’d never have to hear from your kid brother.
As the old adage goes, kids really do say the darndest things. And while they may embarrass us to no end, there is something so pure and innocent in their candor that we can’t help but laugh.

What’s the craziest thing your child has ever said? You may have wanted to bury your face in the sand at the time, but if you head on over to Living Well (an online resource to connect Canadians to the experts and topics they need to know to live well every day) you can share your story there and be entered for a chance to win a $5000 cash grand-prize or one of six Johnson & Johnson Inc. product prize-pack giveaways valued at $500 each!
Do it!!
Our first trip to the emergency room was a doozie! After all the crazy antics our 2 1/2 year old son pulls, he managed to gouge his forehead open by simply tripping on the floor while dancing and gashing his head on the edge of a chair on the way down.
We arrived at emerg in a swirl of panic: screaming toddler, panicked husband, and myself (trying unsuccessfully to portray the “calm-in-a crisis-mom” look)-all of us covered in blood. We must have been quite the sight. 🙂
After being triaged, we were sent to the waiting room (thankfully it was only a short wait). At this point, Monkey had calmed down a bit and I start cleaning the blood off us with baby wipes while those sharing the waiting room with us sent sympathetic looks our way.
The TV in the corner of the room had an entertainment show on and the feature story happened to be about a *ahem* blessed young lady jumping up and down in a bikini.
The waiting room was silent until monkey pointed at the TV and shouted, “LOOK MOMMY! BOOBIES!!”.
The entire room burst into laughter. A very nice older gentleman got up from his chair and said with a wink, “I think he’s going to be just fine” while changing the channel to Treehouse.
My husband, myself, my 2 year old daughter & my newborn son were at a wedding. We were seated at a table with only adults, a lot older adults – like grandparents…One of the ladies was having a conversation with my daughter, and my daughter says to her, “YOUR MOMMA!”. I could have died! Thankfully the lady had no idea what she was talking about!
My newborn son was asleep in the swing and my 2 year old daughter went to give him a kiss. (She was unaware that I was watching). She leaned over, gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead, and said, “I love you so much baby boy. You’re my best friend in whole world.” She made my heart melt – makes me want to follow her around with a video camera so I don’t miss anything!
Once Ty was sitting on my lap and said, “Mommy, you have baby boobs.” Ok, I know I have these little 34As, but for my 2-year-old to notice? They must be small!
The other day I was driving with my 2 and a half year old daughter in the back of the car. She rolled down her window and when the wind hit her hair she had a look of freight on her face… she started crying and saying ” Mommy my hair’s gone, my hairs gone”. Because her hair was blowing back from the wind she thought it had blown right off.
My husband is a hunter. He hunts every fall for a moose to feed the family over the next year. We also live out in the country where we have a lot of cayotes and wildlife that come through our yard. We see bears every year. This year we have not seen but heard from our neighbors there is a cougar in the area. This is very scary for us with 4 young children. We have no protection over cougars they are a very strong animal. Anyway our children hear us talk. The cayotes eat our pets. We have lost 2 dogs to the cayotes. Well this year for holiday we brought our children to the calgary zoo. Beautiful zoo. The last area we went too was the Canadian wildlife. And as previously stated the same wildlife in the zoo, live in our backyard. They are beautiful animals to look at but not all are beautiful to live with. From eating our animals to eating our garden! Well our 6 year old son is walking and on one side is the moose and on the other is the cayotes. He yells out and I mean yells out, “DAD, We should have brought our gun!” We got some very strange looks. We explained to him we were in the zoo and these animals were good. And also that hunting seasons had rules! But wow, that was one moment I will never forget!
I am from a Trinidadian background-born in Trinidad-but Canadian Citizen-residing in Canada for 23 yrs- and although I have lived here for so long I still find myself using some of the local Slangs from my native home.
In one instance I was calling my daughter Ary- to come and help me with a chore-so I was calling her and she did not respond right away- So I changed my tone of voice and called out too her without thinking I said ” COME HERE NAA”= I slipped into my native slang of Trini dialect. NAA -means anything when added to a sentance-so in tis case its “now”.
That word got her attention right away-and she responded “MY NAME IS NOT NAA”..
and that her name is ARY not” NAA..”.and WHY I am calling her NAA,,
I then realised what I said and had too laugh…