As much as it pains me to say this, Pea will eventually date, [gulp], boys.
Now, I’m not worried about this eventuality at all, because I know my daughter will date young gentlemen exclusively. She will bring home neatly groomed boys, who wear proper clothes and speak with excellent diction.
She will bring home boys who work hard to get good grades… and not because their parents push them too hard, but because they want to get into the good schools to get a good education and make something out of their lives.
She will bring home boys who are popular, but not the kind of popular that is achieved by mocking others. In fact, she will bring home the type of boy that protects those that others pick-on… a modern day Robin Hood of the Homeroom, so to speak.
Pipe dream? Probably.
So, I’ll have to lower my standards I suppose, to avoid a big ol’bag-o-disappointment when the first floppy haired boy walks into my home.
I have, however, devised a plan to identify the acceptable boys from the pigs.
Step 1 – Sit down the boy at the family computer.
Step 2 – Play the music video below.
Step 3 – Ask for feedback on the song.
If the boy likes the song, he’s in. If the boy cringes and calls it cheesy, he’ll need a proctologist to get my foot out of his ass.
PS – This post refers to Pea’s potential suitors as men. If they turn out to be women, the same test will apply to determine their suitability as a partner for my little girl. Although, the outcome, should they hate the song, might be a little different.
So if Will shows up at your door playing the vintage CeLo Green classic “$#*^ you” I guess we won’t be in-laws?????? I’m KIDDING…I’m KIDDING! I hadn’t heard of this song and I actually swear I was expecting the Billy Joel version…which I dig – I love the words of this song, but I’d call it cheesey and be removing your foot from my ass right now. The message is great…truly…but the messenger just got arrested in Vegas – doh!
YES. just yes.
Love that song and hope my girl has the same one day.
Btw, what’s good for Pea is good for her mom too 😉