So it’s 4:44am and I’m awake and I have been since 3:30 when Will woke up for his now nightly 5 minute scream fest. It’s been going on for a couple weeks now and when it first started it was so out of the ordinary that I ran in there to comfort him. Bad idea. It took me 10 days to realize that if I left him, he’d been sound asleep again in under five minutes but if I went to him it was an agonizing fight to get him back down. So, I’ve resumed control and he quickly crashes again. Not so for mommy. And I’m getting tired.
What’s keeping me awake? Well, it should be the haunting images that I saw on this Hurricane Katrina special last night that had me crying for an hour. Or it should be the documentary that I watched on Prom Night in Mississippi where they held their first interracial prom…in 2008!!!!! (I’m happy to be Canadian after this weekend).
No! What’s keeping me up is trying to figure out men. What a useless pursuit. It’s like tryng to figure out the Cadbury secret and how Keanu Reeves gets acting roles all at the same time!! So here’s the deal guys – if any of you are with me here – we women aren’t really that hard to figure out. Men – you like sex, steak and sports on TV. We like open communication, honesty and foot rubs (well also join you in the sex and steak…and if the foot rub happens during Monday Night Football so be it). Good news or bad news, we just like to have it because once we do, we can figure out what to do with it. It’s all we ask for really.
Ladies – am I wrong here? Guys – do you have some advice to figuring you out? (or are you just reading this, playing with a remote and scratching your balls?).
Sara- I like sex, steak and some sports on Tv and power tools but not guns, fast things with engines, too much silence or one word answers.
herein lies some difference.
I love the difference between men and women although it can also be crazy making.
LOL! Your post always leave me in stitches!! I am with you…just give us the news and then let us figure out what to do with it!!!
“we women aren’t really that hard to figure out” … really?!?!
“sex, steak and sports” … yes. That’s all. End of story.
I think I lucked out. Or maybe he did…?
I like sex, steak and sports on tv. I also enjoy footrubs – which he is more than happy to give and he’s a good communicator.
And in my reply to your blog I find my silver lining of the day. Now I want a Caramilk bar.
Thanks for that.
Scientology would say Will has an engram from a past life, maybe in the 1950’s! The engram gives you all kinds of haunting problems.
Read “Have You Lived This Life Before”
Thanks for the comment Laura. Yup it’s called Prom Night in Mississippi. The fascinating part is it wasn’t the kids that were racist – it was really their parents etc so hopefully this generation will get it right. It’s worth watching though.
he could be having night terrors, which usually start around this age. they usually happen earlier in the night, but the fact that he can’t be soothed and will go back to sleep on his own is very indicative of night terrors. the funny thing about them is that they are terrifying to the parents, but not to the child!
i can’t believe what you said about mississippi and the interracial prom! as someone in an interracial marriage, it makes me sad that the south is still so backwards.
That sucks, honey. Glad you figured Will out – perhaps you’ll have to be satisfied with only understanding that one little man…
(I’m just glad you were up to leave comments while I’m getting ready for lunch!)