I love to play table games. They are games that require no props so you can play while eating dinner.
We play them a lot at art camp. Really fun when you are 12 around a big table.
This session, first night, the little friend to my left had to say 4 things about herself. Random, unexpected or normal things.
She said without taking a breath
“I love art”
“I eat everything on my plate”
“I don’t like opening my eyes under water”
“My parents are divorced”
I love this. Brave girl.
Just an item on the list.
I turned to her and said “well we have that in common” And then I remembered I am the adult. “I mean, I am divorced, not my parents.” I said “Did you know that?”
She said ‘no, I didn’t know that’ with a big smile.
I would love it Sara. I think you would love it too.
i say it every time but I really want to come to this camp…