Let me warn you, this post is not for the faint of heart. Or the easily embarrassed. Or the squeamish. In fact, the only reason I am writing this post is to ask you moms like me, in your late 30s to 40s a question – what the hell is up with my body?! I mean, I have heard a lot about menopause but it’s early days so I don’t think I’m quite there yet. But to be honest, I really don’t know. These days it’s like puberty all over again. Don’t believe me? Here’s the proof:
- Damn am I moody. Forget 13, this PMS is the real deal and no one in my life is left unscathed. My poor husband. My poor kids. I never really got the PMS thing before. Yeah, I would get a bit miserable but never the major mood swings I have now. Some months I barely notice but others? Watch out.
- 25 days, 35 days, FIFTEEN DAYS. Who knows? Certainly not me. The unpredictability of my cycle has me on my feet that’s for sure because who would expect that Mother Nature would be cruel enough to give you the gift twice in one month. This is crazy sh*t.
- Is it spotting this month or am I going to be changing sheets in the night? Honestly. I never know what I’m going to get. I know heavy from my teens and in the early days I had my share of “accidents” but I thought all of that was behind me after 25+ years of practice. Cocky fool that I am.
- Oh, the cramps. I remember when I was a teenager and I would actually feel nauseous from the cramps. I remember them because they are back with a vengeance. Not every time. No, no. That’s the surprise part. They sneak up on you.
- The zits. Seriously? It’s hard enough to deal with the gray hair, wrinkles, and gravity’s cruel pull but now add a few flaming red spots to the picture and we’ve got a full-on horror show for a few days every month.
Seriously, ladies. I have had a physical recently so I know it’s not a medical thing. Is this normal? Is my return to my pubescent self just a part of the process of **GULP** aging?
I had left a comment back in April.
I have had an IUD put in back in July & my periods are still all over the place, just not as severe. My face is better regarding the acne, I still get pimples, but not the awful bumps of the acne. Does anyone know if things get better over time with the Mirena IUD, or if this is as good as it gets? It has been 3 months now, so I am just wondering….
Breast cancer is a serious disease affecting women, and no one cares more about the health of individuals than giant, for-profit corporations.
There is no need to take any drug to eliminate the symptoms without first consulting a doctor.please read this you will get more http://atozmenopause.com/night_sweats_symptoms.html
By screaming and yelling, I thought they might try to listen to me. WRONG! I needed to be the real mom. If I didnt want them to do something, I would tell them what I mean, tell them why, and follow through.
I swear my face looks like a pizza so I guess it’s a bit funny that I buy Proactiv at a site called pimplehut.com . It’s been almost two weeks since I have been using proactiv so I really hope proactiv works for me as well as so many netizens online claim. Anyone here a true believer and is willing to provide some information about how long it takes to start working and perhaps some things to do and some things not to do?
Thanks ahead of time… <3 <3 <3
I swear my face looks like a pizza so I guess it’s a little funny that I bought Proactiv at a site called pimplehut.com . It’s been almost 2 weeks since I have started using proactiv so I really hope proactiv works for me as well as so many people online claim. Anyone here a true believer and is willing to share some information about how long it takes to start working and perhaps some suggestions to do and some things not to do?
Thanks ahead of time… <3 <3 <3
Depression, ulcerative colitis, IBD…what else will this do to people? LET’S GET THIS FIXED!
excellent writing , it is actually useful for me. keep writing and happy blogging.
How do you delete your website comment that you left on another person else webpage?
Thanks for your post. It makes a change to read an article that actually means something connected to menopause. I’ve made a note of your site details and will visit again.
Although you had a physical, did you mention these issues to your doctor? My mother, 46, recently had these syptoms, irregular periods, heavy flow, cramps, acne, fatigue, etc. She thought it was the beginning of menopause but upon my urging went to her physician. Upon examination, ultrasounds etc, they found she had polyps in her uterus (since removed, but waiting for biopsy results), gall stones (since removed) and a fybroid, which they are waiting till she recuperates from her gall stone surgery to address. With only irregular menstrual like syptoms, she may have left it alone for some time before addressing.
I’d reccomend discussing in detail with your doctor. Your doctor may say its nothing, but in case it is something, it may be the best hour of your life ever spent.
Here’s an article on balancing hormones, estrogen dominance (oversimplified term) etc. It’s interesting. I’m off to a Naturopath next week to try to find a way to manage this naturally.
Pre-menopause and menopause are imbalanced hormones, often estrogen stays the same but progesterone goes down so there is not balance. This is estrogen dominance and it causes many of the symptoms mentioned above. It’s the ratio of estrogen to progesterone that can be the issue. It’s such a delicate balance we females need to have!
Idas: Thanks . I am finally going to see a naturopath this week. How are they different than a homeopath? I will ask about the soy. I usually drink soy milk …maybe not enough.
Firstly I only ever got pimples from over cleaning my skin. The more I irritate the skin with detergents and rubbing, the more it reacts trying to protect it. I sighed and seldom use my favourite Shiseido face cleanser and now mainly use a natural Dr. Bronner’s soap most days.
Certainly stress is a problem for me and worsens my symptoms. The cortisol rushing through my systems makes everything more unpleasant. I restarted Yoga practice and it is helping but also unleashing a bunch up dammed-up feelings. It has been an ugly week.
Thank you for this post, I totally didn’t realize what I was experiencing.
FLAX SEEDS. My friend swears by them, I totally forgot I was using them when I felt PMS angry. It helped my cycles become regular again and helped with outbreaks. I am going to back on them because my cycle is like yours, all over the place and I am KING KONG angry a week before. Also, I was way over cleansing my skin. I started using Glycolic cream (Neostrata) and that works amazing. I also use Paula’s Choice Exfoliating 2% BHA Liquid (salcylic acid), it worked a miracle on a HUGE cystic pimple that I tried every pharmacy remedy on and kept getting deeper. This product is good for irritated pimples. Now that it is mostly under control, I do an “oil cleanse” type facial every few days (olive oil/castor oil massaged in and removed with a warm cloth after steaming face) to keep my skin balanced and not use gobs of moisturizer daily.
Also, for estrogen levels, soy coud be a good form of plant esters, they work for many people to bring estrogen levels up. Worth asking a doctor or homeopath about. Japanese women seldom experience horrible menopausal symptoms, mainly a different diet makes this possible.
Good luck,
I am SO happy I am not the only one with this!! I thought it was just me, being over weight & stressed out! I am 40 & it sounded like I could have written that article….is there any hope for us?? It is awful!! It is worse than being a teenager, at least then you pretty much expect most of this. Now, I have ‘adult acne’, very iregular cycles (I keep track of it), cramps & wrinkles, white/grey hair coming in like new lawn! & my own 2 teenagers to deal with!! I really think this must be some sort of cruel joke…HELP!!
Estrogen dominance??? Ok, no that is not me. I have very very very little estrogen, that is my problem. How do I get more???? Seriously, does anyone else have this problem and know what to do about it???
I had cramps so bad at work, that everyone commented that I kept going all white everytime. They joked that I was having contractions and could go on the TLC show, “I didn’t know I was pregnant!”. Yes, I have had it twice in one month, to the groans of my husband, who commented “AGAIN!” like I was thrilled or something to have it.
I never had acne as a teenager but now I have it ALL the time. Pre, Post, During it all?! WTF!
Also, I now have my period for a FULL 7 days! Excuse me?!?
I am going to see my Doctor, as he says when your period is wonky you should rule out Ovarian Cancer, as OC is very hard to detect but any changes in periods or *ahem* poop, you should get checked.
I thought early menopause wasn’t until you mid-50’s, I am only 38! GAH!
Alas, I too suffer from some of these symptoms, including incredibly sore breasts just after ovulation.
Mirena is an IUD that releases the synthetic hormone progestin.
All these symptoms are caused by estrogen dominance. You can try to balance the estrogen/progesterone ratio naturally through diet and using a progesterone cream that is bio-identical to our own (unlike progestin in the pill and Mirena).
The hard part is…wait for it….
NO COFFEE!!!!!! NOOOOooooooooooo!
I haven’t managed that yet but I think I may have to.
IUD ?? Well that changes everything. Sign me up
Mirena is an IUD.
Ugh, night sweats are brutal. Kath, some weeks I lay out three sets of pjs by my bedside so I am ready and don’t have to search in the dark. About that Mirena, isn’t it really unsafe for women over 35 to take the pill in relation to breast cancer rates, etc???
Oh my god Jen – that picture – I LOVE it! I have exactly what you speak of. My PMS is raging. I never had it before – ever. Now, I can time it. For two days before my period I am a bawling fool and then bam, I get it and it’s done. My periods have got a thousand times heavier and the cramping for a day is brutal. I’m just waiting for the hot flashes, my sisters are having them now and I know my mom had them terribly. It’s official we’re old.
Okay, I’m due for a physical and I am going to get Mirena (I’ve heard a few other women praise it, so here I come!)
Because I have all the same problems. Wonky periods. Weird spotting. Cramps. But the worst things for me is the night-sweats. Seriously? I have to change pyjamas in the night, I sweat that much. Almost every night. Anyone else?
I hear you Jen! My monthly was so bizarre too – then my Gynie recommended Mirena for birth control – hallelujah! It is awesome. After the first 3-6 months your period practically disappears. (With 99% effectiveness btw). In my Dr’s words – “women over 40 love this”. I’m almost 40 and LOVIN’ it!
I find diet REALLY affects my skin. And my colourist is my new BFF!
Thank goodness you can blog about this – and everyone can commiserate and support one another!
Anne – I would TOTALLY have gone to my mom about this stuff. My sisters and I are each less than two years apart so we’re all pretty much on the same page. They have the same questions I do. That’s why I’m putting it out there. Maybe someone can shed some light!
How about the grey hair… in unexpected places!
This is one of the reasons I really miss my mom. Now I am the oldest woman in my biological family. I got no answers, only questions.
Oh god I thought it was only me — my period is all over the place, I’m thinking of buying shares in Kotex pantyliner’s
I don’t have the zits, but my sis got them late in life too — nature is feckin cruel to us women!