Oh, Survivor is back. and this time we are in Samoa.
(am I the only person who still watches this show?)
Seriously? burning socks? emptying water bottles? lying about being in HURRICANE KATRINA and losing your beloved dog? this dude is EVIL. (and, Johnny Fairplay officially loses his title)
and I almost hope he sticks around a little bit longer even if he is a total producer plant. Also…why did the entire tribe just let the whole water-being-totally-gone thing go? Why were they not upset about this?
I still am frustrated with the clothing choices. This gets me every season. Do these people NOT realize that they are going on SURVIVOR?! How are they not dressed more appropriately? and don’t hit me with the “they don’t know that they are going that day” because that’s totally crap. a) if I got a call from Survivor, I’d be decked out in my wilderness garb every.single.day until I got there. and b) they were already dressed BY COLOR so they had to know. no?
I kind of hate Shambo and her dumbass nickname and her MULLET.
The producers pick the clothes, not them.
Russell is a hoot!
Shambo’s hair is nasty! Eeek!
LOL, Ali. We must be the only two people left who do watch it, but I just can’t help it!
Yes, Russell is evil. I get what he’s trying to do, but I think I’d appreciate his role as evil puppetmaster a bit more if he wasn’t so offensively misogynistic: “stupid blonde girl”, “stupid blonder girl”, “stupid brown-haired girl”… arrrgh.
I’m sooo with you. This time the clothing thing is beyond stupid, because they are dressed by colour, and Jeff even commented on it. So why the hell would you wear a skirt, if you know enough to also be wearing orange??? I would absolutely wear a one-piece bathing suit and hiking boots under every outfit, every day if I even got called for a 2nd audition for Survivor!
And yes, Shambo. WTF? I do think she has potential, but she is isolating herself from her tribe already. She needed to go jump in the water with everyone else when she realized that was where the group was headed.
Oh well…armchair quarterback, I guess!
I totally still watch it and LOVE it! And seriously, about the clothes! I couldn’t agree more, I think the same thing every single season!