I used to work 8-5 in a cozy little cubicle, I had a routine and my life was organized into color-coded, alphabetical bliss.
Then I had a baby.
Then I quit my job.
Then I got pregnant again.
Holy Chaos.
These days my life consists of staying at home with my 15 month old son, preparing for the birth or our daughter in November and trying to stay on top of the piles accumulating in every corner of our house.
Taking a good hard look at our finances this past summer was just the eye opener I needed to get my head back in the game. Now I just have to figure out how to balance all my freelance/consulting jobs, keep up with the housework (god I miss my cleaning lady), get all of our bills paid and get my house and life back to the organized bliss it once was.
Just like exercising, getting organized is easier when you aren’t doing it alone. I’m hoping that I’ll not only share some wonderful tips and tricks but learn some of yours as well.
great blog! keep up the great work!
Welcome Jen. We’re almost halfway to a point where we could lobby to change the site name to Urban Jens 😉
I love the idea of getting organized, and I love the feeling after a big purge (I just don’t love the work that goes in between those things)…I’m looking forward to your tips and suggestions!
I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE!! Can’t wait to read more! xoxo
As always, your tips are AMAZING, and I am so excited to see what you do in this new space!
I have a junk drawer & small side counter full of organizing paraphernalia. It isn’t working. I am hoping that some tips that you get or have will help me!
I’m always looking for more tips… though I’m beginning to think the best way is just lowering my expectations – I hate that. Le sigh. But I’m so happy for you, lady! Nice to see you here!!
Welcome to Urban Moms, Jen! 😀 I absolutely love organizing, so I’m really looking forward to reading your suggestions and tips.
Urban Moms should fly you out here to organize my house. It would seriously give months of blog fodder. It might also give you a heart attack…
The fact that you’re even TRYING to be organized is impressive. I’m excited to see how you do it!
Welcome Jen! Organizing is NOT my strong suit. Looking forward to hearing your advice.