Let’s just get it out there right now – Gasp! Yes I really do have eight (brats) children. Sympathetic looks, shuddering bodies, shrieks, and creepy stares are all common events, however, what really annoys me are the rude comments. We used to get many when we had only six children, but 6 months ago our identical twins boys arrived making us a family of ten and Gezam! They never seem to stop.
“Are they all yours?”
This is a question I get asked on a daily basis by random people who just happen to see me with all of my children. On days that I feel particularly bitchy, (which is more often than not), I start giving the following responses……….
“Yes – But only on Mondays and Wednesdays.”
“No. I found them on the street.”
“What children?”
“Holy crap! Where the hell did they come from?”
“Why? Do you want some?”
Then there are the questions directed at Thatcher and Tanner………..
“Are they twins?”
“One belongs to me and the other belongs to my husband.”
“Are they good babies?”
“I didn’t know babies could be bad.”
“Are they identical?”
“Do they do everything at the same time, like eat, pee and poo?” Clearly those who ask such a ridiculous question are not sane enough to understand any answer so I just quickly walk away and hope they don’t start following me with more questions.
My husband Paul (aka the 9th child) and I never really planned on having so many children, it just kind of happened. I guess it didn’t help that he like most men, loves sex. (Okay. So do I, but that’s beside the point). After the first offspring was conceived, it just made sense that by the time she was 6 months old she should have a sibling. Well it made sense to me at least. And so that is how it started. I became a baby machine maker of sorts. Sex, maybe for more than a few minutes if I was lucky, baby conceived, bye, bye sexy body, baby yanked out, feel like crap, let’s start again!
Over the past few years, shows like “19 and counting” (or is that 20 now?), “Kate plus 8”, and “Sextuplets by surprise” supposedly show how life is really like with a large family or families with multiples. Let me set the record straight – these shows are not reality and if you were to walk through the doors of my home (well if you could walk amongst all the scattered shoes, boots, and toys) you would experience a loud house with a screaming 5 year old who believes he is Batman, a hockey dude who thinks mini sticks in the house is a quiet game, two really smart boys who just happen to live daily with Aspergers, two drama queens, and two pre-mature twins who are probably wondering how the hell they arrived here with all of us. Is Eight Enough for this family? Yes sadly there will be no more (learn more about that in another post soon), but for me the adventures are just beginning.
So pull up a chair and grab a drink of your choice (I personally love Wildberry) and take a look into my reality. Just remember unless there is blood – the kiddies are okay.
How loud is your house, how many children do you have and what annoying questions do people ask you?
Until next time,
Chantel, Momof8crazymonkeys
Thanks so much for your kind words. I love your concept of the O generation! I am enjoying being with Urban Moms so much and would love to help others as much as I can:) I hope your herbs help and that the rope is a little less frayed. Take care
Hi Chantal,
I think what you bring to Urban Mom’s will be so helpful. I often wonder if we are the O generation of women (as in overwhelmed). Just today I ordered some herbs to help because I am feeling the end of my rope fraying in my hands.
Sometimes we really need some perspective to get past the current hump.
Looking forward to you perspective,
Idas (number 2 of 4 sibs, gestator to two offspring).
i’m looking forward to reading your columns. if i wasn’t so against having three kids i’d keep going and going. i could have 4, 5, 6 or more….i just couldn’t do three 🙂
You are a far better woman than I am, I can barely manage two. Can’t wait to read what you have to say!
Why do people think it’s ok to inquire about your reproductive system? I hate that. I have a girl and a boy, 22 months apart, now nearly 9 and 7. I have friends with three and am in awe of their ability to hold it together. You are my new hero with 8! Can’t wait to hear more about you and your awesome family.
Same here. My boys are 18mos apart and my girl came 4yr after my second boy.
We say she’s our “bonus baby”
People have asked if she was a surprise because the boys are back to back. I say that indeed she was.
Or people have asked if we were trying for a girl. I say we were trying NOT to have another baby but she had other plans. And I’m glad she did.
And our baby-making shop is closed. Door locked. Key thrown away.
Hey Sara – friends of ours also had 2 sets of twins under 3. All boys.
The babies are now 8 months old and the bigger boys just turned 3.
I am in awe of her.
Amazing! I literally laughed out loud with your “Holy crap! Where the hell did they come from?” answer!!! Good for you!
I have 2 boys ages 7 & 9, and a baby girl… the annoying questions I get asked regularly are why I waited so long to have a 3rd, and are you stopping now that you have your girl. I usually answer the 3rd was a surprise, or Mother Nature played a little trick on us and leave it at that! And who knows if we’ll have more! Between you and I, we closed the baby-making shop, but ‘they’ don’t need to know that, right? 😉
LOL Thanks!
When my soon to be 5 year old was born I had 4 under 4 and it was pretty crazy – however they were at different stages so it probably wasn’t as hard as 4 under 3! Hope she has help and hope I can help her feel a bit more relaxed:)
Thanks Erin I have been reading your blogs as well – Nice to have someone else going through similar issues.
Thanks Amanda! Well anytime you want a boy I am sure I could provide you with one……
awwww thanks Anne!:)
I hear you! I hit the big 41 when preggo with the twins and it was crazzzzzy! Hmmmm that just may have been b/c it was the 7th pregnancy……..
Ha, ha I would love to report that the dinner table is scene looking somewhat like the Cleaver family but it is usually a nightmare! I will be sure to write a post about that for you! LOL
Wow! Love the big family, I always wanted a big family too. My mother came from a family of 14, so I’ve heard all kinds of story, nothing really dugger-like, so I get your reality! I have 3 kids, two of which are boy-girl twins and I have also fielded weird questions! Some days must be nightmarishly hard, but the romantic in me sees that eight is enough dinner scene where the whole family is together. Love!
You are amazing, Chantel. Congratulations on the job. I’m excited that I can keep in touch through Urban Moms your additional new job (but when do you find time?) and anxious to meet the new additions in the fall along with the others whom I have already met.
Wow! Amazing! I have 3 wonderful kids and wished we would have had a couple more. However, I’m nearing the big 4-0 and my DH is now on medication for RA which means no more for us!
Jen! I am SO DELIGHTED that you have “discovered” Chantel! She’s one of my heroes. I can not imagine how I would cope with what she does on a day to day basis. She’s amazing AND she finds time to write!
Keep reading everyone… you’ll enjoy the adventure!
Anne from MississaugaKids.com
Welcome to UrbanMoms! I’m Amanda, have three girls, my house is very loud from the perpetual fighting of the older girls (aged 4 and 2) and the annoying question people ask me is, “So! When are you going to try for that BOY?!”
Welcome Chantel! I can’t wait to read about your family’s adventures. I have identical twin girls so we have that in common already! I get the “Are they twins?” almost every time I go out. That one doesn’t really bother me though, I know it comes from a good place usually. It’s the ” Double Trouble” and other such more negative comments that bother me.
The girls are my only two little children. I also have two grown step-daughters. I am in awe of you managing a home with so many. I can’t wait to meet them more individually in you posts.
Okay Chantel! I’m so PUMPED that you’re writing here! I’m going to make sure my friend reads you (she is expecting twin set #2 – so 4 kids under 3) – you will make her feel much more relaxed I’m sure. Can’t wait to hear more. We have a relatively quiet household with only 2 of us…but we’re noisy and messy….for two!
Welcome Chantel! My goodness, I’m already fascinated!! I can’t wait to read all about life with eight. I only have two, and I feel overrun and outnumbered… yay for big families!!
Welcome to Urban Moms!
I’ve got two of my own – Girl 7, and The Bun (2).
Those, and the children of whatever neighbourhood I happen to be working in. I get my fill of noise in class visits and story times, though Girl 7 seems to feel it’s her duty to keep the party going when I’m at home, too. Yes, she’s loud.
Come to think of it, most of my obnoxious questions happen at work, too – but then, I am on the information desk, so perhaps I’m asking for it.
Haha! Yes! We call it “unfiltered curiosity”
Thank you for reading my blog – and for the compliment.
I assure you – you have me hooked on yours already!!
Thanks Jen. Looking forward to working with a great bunch of talented people!:)
Well if it is noise you seek come on over to my place! Thanks for the welcome.
Thanks for the welcome:)
Thanks for the welcome Christine! Amazing how direct ASD children are isn’t it? I have read several of your blogs and think you are amazing! What a great job you are doing.
Ahhh! WELCOME aboard Chantel!
Eight – that is amazing! I cannot wait to read more about your story and and your mega brood!
I am Christine – I only have 3. Two boys and a wee girl.
My most questions are directed toward my little girl. She has a extremely large birthmark on her neck called a hemangioma.
And the other questions are FROM my middle guy, who has autism. He asks every mother of every baby if they have teeth, he asks most people how old they are and he asks almost every overweight person (woman or man) if they have a baby in their tummy.
Again – welcome!!
Wow! Eight children! I can not wait to hear more!
Chantal! Welcome. I am a little jealous as I said earlier but likely too controlling for the numbers you have. I have two teenage daughters but I run a little art school out of my home- so- I import extra noise when things get too quiet for me.
I am looking forward to hearing about your interesting, special life! Nancy
Welcome Chantel! So excited to hear more. Wow…EIGHT!