As moms we all know the important role we play in our family. We are the CEOs of our collective lives and manage everything from finances to our children’s extracurricular and social calendars. We are involved in our communities, in our children’s schools, and in almost every purchase made by every member of our household. We influence other moms through word-of-mouth and are the most valuable consumer group in Canada. We are also very hard to reach. We are busy, intelligent, and well informed. We are emotionally invested in the choices we make as consumers so tend to turn to other like-minded women for advice and information. As a matter of fact, a whopping 63% of Canadian urban moms identified a recommendation from family, friends, or colleagues as the #1 reason they choose to purchase a product. A distant second at 14% was information in newspapers and magazines.
The power we hold over approximately 80% of every consumer dollar spent means organizations are eager to understand us and influence us. On the flip side, women want products that work for them. At our mission is to provide organizations with an opportunity to hear what we have to say. Members of’s Research Panel provide insight on services, products and product categories which companies then use to influence how they communicate with moms and what products and services they develop. Our members also test products we believe are relevant and recommend the one’s they like to the other members of our community. This is a great opportunity for Canadian moms to get information on products endorsed by a trusted source, one of their own.
Moms are extremely valuable consumers and has so much important information from our members that we decided to launch a new e-newsletter for communications and marketing professionals called Mom’s The Word. This publication takes the insights gathered from urban moms across Canada and gives companies a peak inside the complex world of today’s mom. Our members are eager to offer their opinion and perspective to help organizations provide products and services that meet their needs.
So check out the new Mom’s The Word and pass it along to friends and colleagues who would benefit from a window into the world of today’s modern mom.