I haven’t been able to write for a while because everytime I sat down at my computer and attempted to, I just cried.
Innocent lives taken. Snatched away in an instant in a single act of senseless violence. We will probably never know the reasons why this tragedy has occurred – we can guess – but we will never really know.
We do know the killers name, and of course less than 48 hrs after this unspeakable crime the world knew that this killer may have had Aspergers. As soon as this word started spreading around the news I became infuriated.
Whether this killer had Apspergers, or was on the spectrum in any way I can tell you this wasn’t the reason he killed so many. He was troubled there is no doubt about that, but for somebody to go kill like that because of Autism – highly doubtful.
Chrstine from “Sometimes Holland Fells Like Hell” wrote about this tragedy as well and has a link to an article you might want to read: http://www.urbanmoms.ca/sometimes_holland_feels_like_hell/2012/12/last-friday.html
A few days ago I was at my childrens school enjoying a little Christmas Cheer at their holiday assembly. When it was time for my children to stand up and sing the tears flowed shamelessly from my burning eyes. Innocent children singing so beautifully made me so sad for the parents of such innocent beautiful children now gone.
I realized how truly blessed I am and decided right there and then that I was no longer going to take anything for granted when it comes to my children because you just never know what each day may bring.
This Holiday season enjoy your children for who they are and how much they have brought to your life, and yes, give them a few special extra hugs.
Until next time
Thanks Alice – **Hugs** back to you:)
And now, I just want to hug you. *hug*