What’s on your holiday wish list this year? Usually I keep it pretty simple and just ask for cold, hard cash, but this year I find myself pining for a few specific items.
1. After a year of working out, most of my Costco-brand yoga pants are too loose and saggy and are often falling off while I’m at boot camp. I would love to invest in some Lululemon workout attire: a nice pair of cropped pants and a fitted tank that makes me feel strong.
2. An iPhone. I promise to use it wisely and not take 487 Instagram photos a day of my belly-button lint and what my dog ate for breakfast. Promise.
Well, that’s it, actually. See? I am so easy to please!
What are you asking Santa for this year?
All I want for Christmas is my kids to understand who Santa is!! Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas, and I cringe whenever anybody suggests anything about Santa in front of them….but come on, they are 12 and 14……I can’t afford it anymore, they want a special gift from Santa and a special one from me…..Hello!!!!! They seem to have forgotten that Santa, did not even remember to fill Crosby’s (our dog) stocking last year…..What kind of Santa forgets that!!!! Perhaps they are taking me for a little ride!! Thats okay, I have told them since they were little, that if you do not believe you do not receive!!!! I hope there are still alot of believers out there!!!!
You’re just like me!
I want a white iPhone and gift cards for Lulu.
I just bought myself a power technique tank and I am in love!!
(Oh and I gave hubby a list of the Boots No.7 products I use so he can fill my stocking)
I hope you get an iPhone- then we can be Instagram buds 🙂 And Lulu stuff is fab. I admit I wear my Lulus pretty much daily around the house.
blundstones. i don’t have anything “in between”. i also need a teapot. eclectic, i know!
I like cold, hard cash too – it’s the perfect colour, and it’s always the right size… I actually need to do some shopping. And I’d love some boots! Ohhhh… booooots…
I hope Santa brings you ALL you want, lady! You deserve it all!! 🙂