one of our senior editors resigned and made sure to leave a legacy behind her. she began a tradition, that the department is still insisting we partake in. each tuesday we are to wear a color, or a theme. like black day. (which i was more than happy to comply with) or blue day. or green day.
Well, today is tuesday and it’s flourescent day.
I do not own flourescent. anything. (this really should surprise NONE of you at this point). i did go into my closet to see if perhaps there was something i could pretend was flourescent. i don’t even own anything bright, really. what i do own a lot of, i’ve discovered, are turtlenecks. last night i counted 26. and that’s not counting anything in the laundry. yikes. i have a sickness.
(yes, there are only 17 in the picture, oh nitpicky ones. but i left out many black ones. many, many black ones.)
what about y’all? clothing items you are compeltely addicted to and you can’t. stop. buying.???
song of the day: i Will Never Be the Same by Melissa Etheridge. Now, i’m not really a fan of Melissa’s….but i heard this song in the movie Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael (a fantastic, totally under-rated movie that if you haven’t seen, you should) – it’s called in Roxy’s Eyes in the movie, but in real life it’s called I Will Never Be the Same. and it’s GREAT. really, really great.
come on over and say hi at Cheaper Than Therapy today. i’m discussing the cold, the bloglines and the fart button. come on….you know you wanna!
I love your turtleneck addiction! lol. I am addicted to shirts in general. I have too many and loads of turtlenecks too – wierd how that happens.
I think it’s because I think my bum looks huge in pants so when ever I go to buy pants a end up with more shirts:(
Happy shopping,
I just want to know who DOES own flourescent clothes?!?!?
i’m sad .i’m pathetic,but i don’t own any new clothes.the only new things i have are 4 pairs of feet are always cold lately.what’s up with that?oh,yeah i have an old chocolate brown mock turtleneck around here somewhere.don’t like stuff near my neck.
turtlenecks…tuuurrrtlenecks…LOVE! At present I only have 3, but that’s because the others got tossed for being too big (yay!). Looks like someone has to go out shopping again, eh? wink, wink. Oh, also love lululemons…and long-sleeved stretch “favorite” Ts from the Gap.
I only own maybe 3 turtlenecks even though I do think they are great. I have to be in the mood to wear one. Sometimes I just can’t handle having something around my neck. But what I REALLY love are jeans. I have about a million pairs…o.k. not really closer to maybe 20 pairs. I can’t help it. I see a pair I like that are on sale and I have to buy them. There is just nothing better to me than a great pair of comfy jeans.
I have far too many turtlenecks also. I’ve really had to make an effort to not buy anymore but I couldn’t resist an off-white angora one from H&M when I was in NY. Gah.
I love turtlenekcs too but really, can only wear them for a couple of months in the year here :(((( And I would NEVER look as good as you in them LOL.
Addiction? Well I am on a Lululemon kick ATM (thanks guys!)so I now have about 5 of those pants (bought off ebay). Also I love buying clothes for the kids, especially for Miranda – it is like having my very own personal Barbie to play dress up with – gawd, I replaced her bedroom furniture over the weekend so she now has a wardrobe with hanging space and crikey, she has A LOT of dresses – summer dresses, party dresses, dress-up dresses, costumes, etc. and that doesn’t count the number of top/skirt combo’s she has!
Am also addicted to kitchen gadgets and stuff – but have slowed down in recent years ’cause I nearly have everything. Have my own on some more Kitchen Aid cookware though LOL.
I love clothes in general and have just returned from a a guilt laden (it was on sale and I’ve always wanted one) shopping expedition. Turtle necks are the best – so versatile this time of year. Hey, if you have some longer ones, try wearing them with a belt over the top, or jazz up a black turtle neck for evenings with a silky scarf or thick piece of ribbon as a belt. See, those turtle necks are ESSENTIAL!!
Oh no! Ali, I share your addiction to turtlenecks. I purge every year so don’t have the same amount but have 7 and all of them purchased within the last month. Scary thing is they are all exactly the same except for the colour!
I also have an addiction to buying girls’ clothes. My daughter doesn’t even wear a lot of the stuff I buy but I can not resist. It is so cute and often really inexpensive. She would be happy wearing Dora clothes every day! I keep telling myself it is a waste but I just CAN’T stop!
I often go through phases of buying the same color shirts. Then I have to stop myself when I realize I have 5 green shirts, so maybe I should start buying a new color. And then I have to stop myself when I realize I now have 5 red shirts, so maybe I should start buying a new color. And the cycle continues…
And the one clothing item I’m addicted to is jammie pants. I have a huge overflowing drawer of them and would honestly keep buying them if it fit in the budget. My philosophy: one can never own enough pajamas.