I must say, a few weeks ago, I was quite depressed school was starting back for the little ones in our household. I started to prepare myself to miss the all-day play sessions and Super Target shopping sprees while I was surely left to sit and stare at the walls of my dusty bedroom.
Now the girls are back in school, I liken our schedules to a runaway freight train hurling itself into the unknown abyss of a black tunnel.
Simply stated, don’t have any relaxing time before bedtime like weeks prior.
Lately, I have been working for the school in several different avenues such as volunteering and substitute teaching, I have found I’m ready to pass out BEFORE my children. My me-time? Quite non-existent.
I simply don’t know HOW you working parents do it! What are your tricks? I try to make sure the homework is completed, baths, outfits laid out and lunches are complete before bed but in the end, I’m feeling quite sad the one-on-one time isn’t there like days gone by, Now, it’s like, “Hey, MOM! I done!” and they quite easily fall into blissful slumber. I then feel like a failure because dudes! or dudettes! The kids are growing up so quickly! Much too quickly.
Please share, what are your tactics used while transitioning from hectic life and responsibilities to peaceful, quality time before bedtime? Am I doing too much before bed? Should I be waking up earlier to spend more quality time in the evening or morning and in the end, is this all quite normal?
Yours truly
a.k.a. a very neurotic parent
my kids don’t start school until next tuesday OMG.
I will let you know when I FINALLY make it to that day…
Hey Neurotic Parent! My guy is still young but there is still the getting prepped for daycare in the am etc. He goes to bed early and I follow shortly after, visualizing what he needs in the morning for school. Then I get up early so I can get ready while he’s still asleep, gather all his stuff together – THEN I get him up. That way our time together in the am isn’t me racing around, it’s just all about him (for that 40 minutes or so…sigh)