I love when there is something completely unexpected about someone. It is unexpected because you made assumptions about them and you were dead wrong. It is unexpected because so much of what they are lies in contradiction to this unexpected thing/things.
My friend’s father is extremely masculine and I have a little innocent crush on him. He is a total guy. And…. he makes blueberry pies. Even the pastry.
I like dresses. Expected.
I wear them to everything and for no good reason from May1st- september 30th.
I like guns.
and I really like wearing a dress and carrying a gun.
give me your unexpected……..
very impressive and unexpected! love it! Anything else?
I love guns too. Considering no one I know has ever seen me shoot a gun, I think most people would be shocked to know that I won an award for marksmanship when I was a teen…
not tragic just interesting
most of the time I should not be permitted to drive
I should have learned when I was young and invincible. And I prefer to be driven – I aspire to having a chauffeur one day.
Indeed, life is a bit limiting… I walk pretty much everywhere, unless Martin drives. I’m kinda tragic, actually. Poo.
explain the no driving thing to me- fear of operating heavy machinery? a desire to be taken care of?
fascinating stuff.
if I did not drive we would never go anywhere
Why do I think you’re talking to me with this post? *snickers*
I like high heels and trousers, and I was once a pretty good archer…
I don’t know how to drive.
YES! we are related! But I prefer small independent hardware stores especially if they are packed with men of all ages!
love that my cousin needs to shower after work! You are way cool!
you can’t imagine how much this means to me as I get farther away from the difficulty of my split I often wonder if my writing is no good anymore. Thank you for reading and for commenting. It means a lot to hear from you and to know you are out there and entertained!
I have to say that i can’t remember a blog that u have written that I have not wanted to comment on!! I am usually in a rush and talk to myself out loud or get very excited etc.You just seem to get all that I would like to express and all that means something -big or small. Thanks for making each day better with your soulful insights and humour and depth.
Can’t help but laugh and gasp at the ” bible sun” term and photo! OH my god. How do you just sum it up the best way. Hilarious!
Xo sue
…..I’m one of the few women I know who loves “Home Depot” and the new wet/dry industrial vac I got on Saturday!!!
How about dresses/skirts and dirt….I love spending my work days roaming construction sites, and working/playing in the dirt but, like you, as soon as I get home from work from May to Sept I put on a skirt or a dress because they are the comfiest and loveliest things.
Or maybe the unexpected part is when when I show up on construction sites all blonde ponytail and smiles and the Site Supers do a double-take… especially when I start telling them what needs to be done 😉