Hi Gorgeouses!
I went out for lunch with the Urbanmoms Gorgeouses today, and we were out LATE into the afternoon, leaving me precious little energy to gossip (I MISSED MY NAP!). But, that won’t stop me. It just means I’ll be a little more loopy than usual, or perhaps boring. But, the gossip is never boring. Whatevs. Here’s what’s a’brewin’ in the world of celebrity these days: AMY WINEHOUSE in rehab; BRITNEY to open MVA’s?; JESSICA AND JUSTIN to move in together?; EEEEEE!!!!; and, more!
check it!!!
YES, they tried to make her go to rehab, and she said YES YES YES! Good for her. Hopefully, it’ll stick. It never does among these celebs, it seems…. She AND her husband have checked into a rehab facility just outside Phoenix, Arizona. No more heroin and horse tranquilizer for Amy! Here’s hoping — she’s such a talent….
I love this photo (by X17). It captures the JOKE that is The Comeback Britney so perfectly: the silly blond weave, the pot belly, the now homely features…. Why she’s "coming back," I’ll never understand. If ever there was a time for RE-INVENTION, now is it. But, MTV is encouraging the comeback. Rumour has it she’ll be opening the LAS VEGAS MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS in September. Oy. We’ll all tune in, of course, because we’re SICK PEOPLE. Hee, kidding. We’ll all tune in because SHE’S INSANE and it rocks our world cuz we’re human.
Awww, LOVEBIRDS. And, they ARE ceeute together! Life&Style Weekly‘s insiders say Justin told Jessica that he wants to live with her when his tour ends in September. Apparently, “they
think it’s the next logical step.” They still have to figure out where they want to live, though. Jess wants Justin to move into her LA home to be near the ocean. But he’s all about NYC. I vote for OCEAN, personally (if anyone’s asking……).
Sorry, more Britney gossip. It’s just TOO MUCH! Check this new cover of Allure she’s on:
I will NOT buy this so-obviously photoshopped issue of Allure. That looks NOTHING like Britney. Like, did SHE photoshop this HERSELF? Because who IN THEIR RIGHT MIND do this? It’s RIDICULOUS! And, TURTLES are sexier than Britney these days. Note to Britney: GIVE UP THE SEX SYMBOL THING; you’re not approaching it right AT ALL — because covering up, staying out of the spotlight, and being a responsible mother/role model to your kids are the sexiest things you can do right now.
What will Britney do next…? And, is she REALLY "search[ing] for comfort & attention in the arms of her female friends"? I’ll keep you posted….
I want this mag right now. CLIIIIIVE OWEN!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! And, look how totally awesome he is — here’s what he says in the mag (you have to read this with his GORJ accent and sexy voice in mind, kay?):
“I have a strong theory that you can go under the radar depending on
how you carry yourself. I would argue that the world’s biggest movie star can go into a pub round the corner from where I live, sit in the back,
have three pints of Guinness and walk out relatively unbothered if
they’ve got the right attitude. You’d think, looking at some people,
that there is a circus wherever they go, that they can’t help it. I’m
not so sure about that. I don’t court publicity. To other people, I’ve
got a very solid boring family life. To me it’s the most fantastic
family life but it’s not that interesting. I’ve been married a long
time and I adore my kids and that’s what’s important to me.”
OY! I love him more than ever now! Awwww, he’s a family guy…! WHERE’S THAT "PUB ROUND THE CORNER FROM WHERE [CLIVE] LIVE[S]"? WHEREREERERE???
SPEEEECH-LESSSSS! Did you ever think you’d see Nicole look like this? Fascinating, really. Truly, fascinating. She looks great — even if her arms are still sticks.
‘Kay, I’m gossiped out FOR TODAY — there’s only SO MUCH BRITNEY I can take! (There’s never enough CLIVE, though….) But, did you see Big Brother? Do you think Dick’s gone too far with his personal attacks. I, for one, am still infatuated by him. But, I’m a preggers horndog…. Talk to me!
So You Think You Can Dance finale tomorrow!!! DANNY!!!!! Can’t WAIT! And, how good was The Hills premiere last night — anyone watching that? Talk to me!
Want more Cheaty? Check it — at THE CHEATY MONKEY!
And, my PREGNANCY BLOG‘S freshly updated — check it!
xo Haley-O
Brit, Brit, Brit. No words. So sad.
I was LMAO when Dick went into Dustin’s room banging the pans! I do think he’s gone too far, though, but he sure is the most entertaining in the house. And I like how he stands up to his enemies…I just wish he’d lay off the gay/religious attacks.
I can’t stand the LNC though. So I don’t know who I’m rooting for anymore.
LD — Britney needs to tone it down A LOT! But, there’s more going on there than toning it down. The girl has serious issues that I hope are dealt with before it’s too late….
SLEEPY — Seriously? It’s uggers, though!
JEN — I think Phyllis will go to jail for a short time, and Michelle Stafford will go on a nice vacay for awhile. They’ll work out some sort of deal, I’m sure. It’s SO SAD, though! I can’t take it — the thought of a mother being taken away from her baby like that. It’s too much. NICKY SUCKS!
LAV — Nothing wrong with Brit’s “pot belly” — I just think there’s a time and a place and a WAY to show it off that’s not so trashy-like, you know? She’s so visibly trying to go back to what she used to be, and she’s only showing what a poor copy of that she now is. I wish she’d conservatize (not a word, is it…) her look, and face her new age, identity and responsibilities…. A LOT of people (i.e., as lots of polls reveal) are thinking it’s post partum depression or psychosis that she’s going through…. 🙂
someone needs to tell nicole that her skinny clothes are getting to tight.and what the heck is jessica thinking?justin irks me to no end.yuck!and sorry but i think its cool that brit is showing off her post baby belly.wish i had the nerve to do it.as for how crazy she is right now…clive owen is a great guy isn’t he.thats so cool about sitting unnoticed in his neighbourhood pub and the nice stuff he said about his family.and his eyes are so gorgeous.
Nicole does look way better with her belly and some boobs.
I do think Dick has gone too far. I get that it’s all strategy, but it’s too mean. And Danielle yelling at all of them. They are in an alliance together, no wonder we don’t like you…..
Do you really think Phyllis is going to jail?!? What are they going to do about that?
I wish my arms looked like sticks
Nicole looks amazing! Love it.
As for Britney – you’re right. I think she needs to tone it down a bit. She’d look way better with more clothes. Like look at Angelina Jolie – totally hot but covered.