I’m realizing lately that I have quite possibly the worst planning EVER.
I’m also apparently really bad at counting. It all started about 10 months ago when I decided that I wanted another baby and I wanted it NOW. I was definitely channeling Veruca Salt a wee bit.
My first mistake was a miscalculation of my due date when I realized that I was pregnant. Somehow I convinced myself that I would be due in late January. I’m still really not sure how that happened, but I was quite shocked at my first appointment when they told me November 29th was my due date. The problem with November 29th is that it falls right smack dab in the middle of hunting season. Not only that but it falls directly within the only two weekends of shotgun season. Anyone who has husbands involved in hunting will understand this, for the rest of you, just know that I’m screwing with a sacred season.
So fast forward to now.
Let me lay out the rest of my year for you.
It’s October 8th, that means of course that the holiday season is rapidly approaching. It also means that I have exactly 40 days until my house becomes a two child household. September began the “outdoor season” for my husband, meaning there is at least one, if not three to four, animals in season any given weekend. I have a trip planned for December (at least the kids won’t be going with me). The end of the year also means that it’s time to get yearly financials ready for tax time.
I mean that’s just kind of a lot going on for the next three months right? The real kicker is that the possibility for even more being added to my plate is highly likely. I can’t really talk about it just yet but holy wow. I’m definitely going to have to take at least the first three months of 2011 to recuperate.
Here’s to hoping there will be a lot of this in my future. A. Lot.
Oh Carol, I would tell you all about Ryan and his love of hunting but I’m afraid I would frighten you. I’m fairly certain some of my tales have frightened Ali. 🙂
Oh man. I’m holding you right now…
Tell us more about hunting season. I’m really curious. I have heard of a multitude of different hobbies that become passions for our husbands but didn’t know that hunting could be one of them.