My six year-old doesn’t believe in the Tooth Fairy. Is that bad?
She also thinks Santa is a load of bull and the Easter Bunny is a crock.
When she started to express ideas about the possibility of these mythical creatures being imaginary, we didn’t try to convince her otherwise. Sometimes I feel badly, that we’re robbed her of some magical element of childhood belief, but most of the time I feel OK about it.
When did your kids stop believing in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny?
still going on here (eldest is 9 1/2) but i still believe that santa lives in your heart (cue sniffles and “aaawwww”s) and it’s fun to still believe no matter how old you are.
i know it will be controversial of me but there are people who believe in things that to me…aren’t real.
I think the earlier, the better, frankly. My eight year old boy is skeptical, but we’ve been in a “don’t ask – don’t tell” kind of place for years. Keeping up the charade makes me feel like a liar… and considering the kind of kid he is, I feel like it’s almost “too” innocent now… I think he wants it all to be true, even though he realises the “impossibility” of it all. I have a feeling things will change this Christmas… of course, I’d hate for him to spoil things for his founr-and-a-half year old sister just yet.
Goodness, those glasses are just amazing on that child’s face, Amanda… lovely!!
Both of my girls still believe in it all! Abby is seeming a tad skeptical lately but she hasn’t asked too many questions yet. 😉