…because it is so freaking hard to make my toddler eat anything healthy!
The Boy is on a food strike. He only wants cheese, eggs, yogurt, oatmeal, Rice Krispies, milk and fruit. He will tolerate the occasional bean or legume, but only tolerate- not enjoy.
I feel like I’ve tried every trick ever created to help him enjoy his veggies – I’ve made his food into funny faces, smothered them in cheese sauce, blended and pureed. I’ve had his favourite people eat delicious, farm fresh vegetables right in front of him. I’ve begged, pleaded, prodded, forced. Nada, nothing, zip, zero. He purses his lips, turns his head, puts his hand up to block, and refuses to eat. Even delicious corn on the cob got a sour face!
Meat…well, don’t even THINK about it! If he even notices a speck of chicken or beef on his plate, the entire meal becomes inedible. Even the smell of it gets a turned up nose from my boy.
So, while breakfast is always a great meal (oatmeal or Rice Krispies, milk and fruit), the rest of the day consists of snacks- goldfish, raisins, and berries- and desperate attempts to get him to eat some protein, whole grains, and veggies. And I’m running out of steam…
Now I get why parents feed their kids junk food. It’s made for kids to like it- it’s quick, it’s easy, you know they’ll generally eat it without a tantrum or fuss. After a long day working, the last thing I want to do is fight my child over dinner. So, while I haven’t resorted to junk (yet), I see why it’s such a big pull for parents.
So, HELP!! Tricks, tips, suggestions?? How do you get your picky toddler to eat healthily?
sure, post this on a day where my kiddo ate fries for dinner. It wasn’t like that was the only thing I served him but all the healthy options were opted out of. I try to look at his eating for the week, not day to day. The fasting and feasting, healthy and not so healthy even out when you look at it that way.
Sure, I still stress about his food but I keep telling myself, kids don’t starve themselves, they eat what they want and when they want and its just my job to provide healthy options, or give junk food. Frankly, I think giving him junk food aides in a proper eating pattern. He’ll learn that we don’t eat it all the time, its a nice treat and that way, he won’t think its forbidden and binge on it when he’s old enough to chose his meals.
With all do respect, I think the idea of “I made it, you eat it” will create a battle over meal time. Kids are sharp, they’ll see that food is power and therefore, will inevitably refuse anything given.
I was once told that hiding veggies into the food is allowing the bad eating habits to begin. Tricking isn’t the way, in my opinion, however I was also very blessed with a child with a beautiful appetite and the taste buds for every fruit and veggie I could find. I know it sounds tough but the “this is what is made, so eat it” attitude I think is best. All the chemicals in the processed “junk” food is a far greater future battle then being firm in what he must eat now to create those proper eating patterns. Supplementation is also another thing to consider, especially if those “junk foods” make there way into their mouths more then once a day. Protein is important but kids don’t need nearly as much as we think. I found getting the kids involved with preparation also helps with them wanting to eat. Best of luck.
I know exactly how you feel. Jasmine is the same way. We had to stop a lot of the dairy though as it was making her constipated! She has only started eating vegetables and meat the past 2-3months and she’s 3 and a half! I actually blend veggies (carrots, brocolli, peppers) and add into my spagehetti and other dishes. She doesn’t see it that way – at least I know she’s getting some vegetables without her knowing! She is better now though and will eat vegetables on the side. It will get better… every child goes through this!
oh Sarah – I feel for you – I really do. I count my lucky stars everyday that my guy eats everything…on friday he started putting his fish and cucumbers on the corn and the cob and eating it that way! But I know it will end at any second. A month from now our roles could be reversed…which doesn’t help you! At least his sour face is ADORABLE! Send me your address and I’m sending you that book STAT!