We are moving. I am seven months pregnant. Whose idea WAS this?!
For the past six months we have been living at my mother-in-law’s vacant home while our own house underwent major renovations. This has been the week we have moved out of our mother’s place, deep-cleaned the entire house (which is kind of a foreign concept to a slobby excuse for a domestic engineer as myself), rammed all of our belongings into a tiny, one-room suite because (surprise, surprise) the renos aren’t finished. Our youngest child is sleeping in the bathroom in her playpen, I am peeing in a cup thrice in the middle of the night so as not to wake her up, all of our stuff is randomly piled in the garage until we have a place to put it, and I have developed a lovely case of sciatica in the meantime.
I don’t mean to complain. Oh, wait. Yes, I do.
I am TIRED. I know we are blessed beyond measure: pregnant with a healthy baby, about to move into a newly renovated home. But in the meantime I am physically and emotionally spent, I haven’t seen my husband for more than three minutes at dinner time, and the kids have been driving me to the brink of insanity as I try to get things done and they clamor for my attention.
I know so many women who have moved while hugely pregnant and I always thought they were crazy. Now I am one of them. And it’s just as awful as I dreamed it would be.
Did you ever live through a massive move/home renovation while pregnant? Was it worth it? (Please say yes.)
I have moved being pregnant twice….the first time I was pregnant with my first and 7 1/2 months pregnant. Then we moved when I was 3 1/2 months pregnant with Josh and I was dealing with a toddler and keeping a house clean for showings while all the while living with my head over the toilet bowl with morning sickness. Neither was fun. I’m pregnant with my third and my husband likes to joke that we should move again…not so funny. I agree….not so fun!
I have moved at 8.5 months pregnant!! I don’t remember it being too bad but my husband did most of the work and I had time to sift through stuff as we moved in slowly. I also did not have two little ones in tow thank goodness because just having one now I know that it is near impossible to get anything done with him around. I feel for you I truly do. And I had the sciatic pain. I know how you feel. That was the worst part of the pregnancy for my I think.
Take care.
We moved the day after brining our first baby home from the hospital. Yes, my MIL was there to help but I was very young (24), wasnt sure how to “work” this baby, and then had to act like I knew how to move and set up house under the daunting eyes of my MIL. Fun times.
Then with our second baby we moved in a condo at 4 mos pregnant (easy peasy)and then again when our new house was finished being built at 8 mos, that was much easier, I could move better and our oldest son was 5 so he was a big help! But I also paid extra for someone else to do things we would normally do, like install window coverings and put grass down on our front yard.
i wish! we lived in a 1960’s motorhome ( no fridge, stove, water etc… but plenty o mice!) for most of my pregnancy, and housesat for different people off and on, then lived with my prents for the last 7 weeks while we built our own house. we moved in and BAM! 3 days later had the baby. she’s 9 weeks old and i finally feel settled, although don’t you DARE open the office!!!
I have not had to move during pregnancy. When I read your title I nodded with deep understanding thinking “why yes, it IS horrific to move when pregnant”. Then I realized you meant move, as in moving stuff from house to house. I feel that way about lugging my big patootie off the couch! Horrific!!!!!! I’m in pain from my boobs to my knees all day every day it seems. I don’t think I could pull off a move, so hats off to you. Please take it as easy as you can (I know it’s easier said than done). I also relate to your sciatica, and the kids making you nuts!!! I’ve been using the deep breathing techniques just to keep myself from screaming at them like a lunatic. I think everyone would be better off if I could just be by myself for the next 11 weeks, alas no one gets to be better off. So I’m just going to go hork back a big bowl of cereal, wash it down with some antacids, clear a path to my bedroom and sleep in one position all night, groan loudly as I get up for every bathroom need and thank my lucky stars that I’m not moving!
I don’t think I moved while pregnant exactly, but immediately after each one, 3x over!! I guess we just kept outgrowing our house?! I would say the worst was when our 3rd was 4 weeks old, and we weren’t just moving across town this time, but across provinces which meant we had to deal with the selling/showing of our house and the fitting everything in one moving van thing. I packed most of the house while I was 9 months prego. That and I had a 3yr old and 5yr old who liked to “help” with packing, and later a baby who wanted to nurse all the time and woke up during the night. It was exhausting, and I am glad that I will never have to do that again but I guess it was worth it in the end??! and I did have a lot of help on the moving-in part. Can’t wait to see your new digs!
I moved when I was 6 months pregnant with Will…..just the 1.5 of us so it wasn’t horrid – I bow to you! It was sooo exhausting though – I won’t lie but I looove it now so yes it was worth it!
I have moved twice while pregnant.
The first time was with our first baby.
The second time was with our second baby (and our first had just turned 1)
We’re lucky enough (most of the time) to have both sets of grandparents living in town so I was told throughout both moves “SIT! Relax. Let me do that for you”
So ya – it was worth it!
Best of luck with the move!!