Many or at least a few dumb country western love songs have talked about “leaving the porch light on” as a way to signal a welcome or open arms to a loved one. My porch light was burnt out for two months before I seemed able to get to it, signaling, if nothing else, an inability to get it all done.
I felt somewhat better when my divorced friend and neighbour told me hers had been burnt out for close to a year.
One day I took a few minutes to handle it realizing if I did not it would never get done and it might represent a bigger problem- I am burnt out like the bulb, my arms are not open and if I ever chose to be a bad country western singer I could never sing about leaving the porch light on to welcome a lover.
Phillips in hand, lighbulb, step ladder- what is the big deal. What took you so long? I got up began unscrewing, removed the glass light covering gingerly. Wind picked up and four million dead bugs fell onto me. I was wearing lipstick so they stuck to my lips, dropped on my head and went down the back of my shirt. I was a walking bug morgue.
It grossed me out thoroughly but I laughed hard. Three years ago difficulty doing this boy job might have made me cry. Today-bug off.
so happy to think I made you laugh, margot. Please check out my other blog -I think you might like some of those funny moments too.-best, nancy
Nancy, I couldn’t help but laugh at your story, because it is something I would SO do!! Way to go!!