This week marks six months since the most life changing week of my life. Six months ago was the ten day roller coaster of Court, Gotcha Day then our arrival home. I thought to mark the occasion I would share my blog posts from that week with you this week.
Generally, I am a believer in the wisdom of the Universe, in life unfolding just as it should, in the law of attraction and that what you put out is often reflected back to you. Specifically I believe that today I was part of a miracle. Today was our court date. It wasn’t just mine though I am the one that is named as the person making the requests of the court. Today was not about me but came through me. Today was about the miracle little man.
It took a team of miracle workers to get to the verdict. There is the team in Canada that is rooted at the Agency which took me on as their client. They do an incredible amount of work and do it with love, care and amazing accuracy and detail. There is the team in Russia. I have a guardian angel in my wise and funny translator who is my guide here and without her I would be lost. I have my representive who I call “The Godfather” because his mannerisms are very similar in nature but also because like one my my fellow adoptive mom’s pointed out to me, he is a father figure here. Strong, authoratative but very concerned for your well being. I am also pretty sure could kick some serious butt if called for. Today, I met the rest of the Russian team. There were nine people in court today and all were there for the well being of one little boy. I will not go into details as Court is taken very seriously and it is very private but it was a profound experience. I can tell you that there were tears and not just mine. There were thorough and thoughtful questions from the Judge and Prosecuter. The care for Roman was palatable. This was not just a formality but a legal and sacred proceeding to determine Roman’s future and at the centre of everything was always what was in the best interests of this child.
I was very prepared for court but as so often happens in life and almost always to me, plans changed. I was asked not to refer to my neatly written, well prepared, four pages of speeches. The Judge wanted to speak to me and hear what I had to say without the use of notes. This I was not ready for and I felt quite close to passing out when he asked that the papers be put away. I took a deep breathe, looked his Honour in the eye and spoke with my head and heart alligned. I present for a living so being in front of an audience feels natural but this was another stratosphere. I envisioned the room full of my family and friends to join the strangers and stood very close to my translator so I could pull in some of her strong energy. The words came, the tears flowed and I made my requests and pleaded my case with the support of everyone in the room. I asked for full guardianship of Roman and I asked that the Court make the decision immediate so that I may take Roman home as soon as possible. The 10 day wait is mandatory but my Judge has the authority to waive it and though it almost never happens, there is a chance, however small.
Court was concluded and we were asked to wait in the hall for His Honours verdict. We were called back in and the Judge gave his decision. The Court rules in favour of my petition, he declares me Roman’s mother and it is IMMEDIATE.
I lost it. I kissed the Judge (after getting approval of course) I beamed with joy…. actually I am still beaming. It’s official and it’s immediate.
I believe in miracles
YAY! Being able to look back over the magical moments that caused us pain, anxiety, giddiness and Joy is such a gift. It seems that retrospect gives us the clearest vision, and allows us to be so much more grateful for what we have here, in the Now. You done good, Mama! I gotta admit, my eyes are a little watery after reading this post!
Thank you Amreen
Congratulations! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!