On Saturday, I wrote a post entitled “How to entertain a 2-year-old.” This post outlined what I did with my daughter last Friday, on my day off from work. If you read the post, you’ll see that I was adamant to make the most out of my day with Pea.
At the end of the post, I asked for suggestions as to what I could do today with her, to round off a nice long weekend.
I got a great suggestion from Carol (swimming) and a few great suggestions from Vicky (Riverdale Farm, strawberry picking). In the end, I went with Sarah’s suggestion (park), although that wasn’t the plan.
Here’s how today went…
I woke up, far groggier than Friday. Breakfast was a barely eaten bowl of cereal and raspberries. Upon realizing we were out of milk, I decided the first part of the morning would be a walk to the store, followed by a trip to the park.
It was sunny where we live today. As in, not a cloud in the sky sunny. So Pea would need a good application of sunscreen before we went out.
I spent the next hour looking for the sunscreen. I looked all over the house, twice, only to call my wife and learn that the sunscreen was in her purse at work.
I then sprinted to the store to avoid too much exposure to the sun for Pea, bought the milk and sunscreen, applied some sunscreen in Macks Milk, and headed to the park.
A grand total of ten minutes after we got to the park, I realized how close it was to lunch time and we virtually headed home right away.
After the nap, a friend from out of town joined us and we went to the mall. Exciting? Oh, yeah. Especially since we went to the same mall we went to the day before. And especially since we went to the same stores too.
We then headed home for dinner, extended play time with our out of town friend, and bedtime.
That’s it. No interaction with other kids. Nothing new and exciting for Pea. Just the same ole’ same ole’, albeit with a friendly new face in the mix.
A lame way for me to spend my second day off?
But Pea seemed happy, so I guess the day was a success after all.
That’s just the way it goes sometimes!