This video by the same name has had almost a million views and it is very new. Globe and Mail’s Russel Smith squashed it saying that it was anti feminist in its ‘whining’ about how to enjoy being alone as though it were the default mode to our normal and correct setting of being with someone. He wonders why women need any advice on how to be alone-why must women view being alone as being a loser, he demands? Can’t women just be happy (like men, he feels, so naturally are) in their own skin and not have a man complete them?
He misses the point. While some people are never content, alone or attached, many women are very content on their own. Society lobs many notions our way throughout our lifetime about what success is or what happiness is but after a certain amount of growth- some get there, some don’t ever (it is not an age but some well earned bit of life)-we learn to love ourselves. And then nothing else matters. Really.
I like this short clip- the girl is a poet of the simple and beautiful. She bears her soul in an folksy way. She is like many of us- we love ourselves so much we prefer to share ourselves with others. She dances through instruction on how to be alone in public and accept your new status.
I have always liked being by myself. I don’t feel conspicuous alone anywhere, and don’t suspect any of you do either, – coffeeshop, restaurant, library, weddings,the gym, the police station, church, courthouse or even a cocktail party where I end up knowing no one but the busy host. I do draw the line at a bar- never go by myself and don’t even like going with one other female. It feels like target practice. But none of that is mutually exclusive to loving being with someone else.
Two of my closest friends- one is married, one is single, regularly go to- get up out of your seat and shake your booty and sing badly- concerts alone. This is not for flirting or even faux- camaraderie with strangers- this is for pleasure. They love the music and want to go. Full stop. In fact- the married one is having an affair in her mind with several male vocalists. More to the point, all my dearest friends are having a love affair with themselves. They simply have never loved themselves more than they do now.
At the end of the day, loving being alone means never choosing to be with the wrong person to not be alone.
Check out the clip and let me know what you think. Do you like being alone?
Wow, that video is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.
maybe you and I should play golf alone ? Or me at least anyway. Thanks for sharing- I love that idea of one night a week with space- very healthy! And now with a little person I am quite sure you are very happy to be alone at times!
I looove this Nancy. Thanks for sharing. I love being alone – I need to be alone. Even when I moved in with my ex – we had an agreement that one night a week, he’d just leave me alone! I will admit though, I’m still not a fan of eating alone or going to bars alone. But I do love the lunch counter idea. I’m going to start there! Travelling alone has introduced me to some of my best friends in the world!