I don’t know about you, but I love when celebrities invite us into their homes to peek around a bit. Mostly because I KNOW exactly what I would do to my own house if money was no issue. I would rip up the ugly green carpet. I would put built-in bookshelves along at least two walls in my family room. I expand my walk-in closet that really is way too small to actually be called a walk-in, like Jamie-Lynn Siglers
I would do my bedroom in browns and blues, because when money isn’t an issue, I can redo the color scheme once brown and blue is passe, just like Miley Cyrus will…
I would do my kitchen like Gwyneth Paltrow…
or like Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman’s
I would have at least one room that’s full of fun and quirky, like Josh Groban’s I Love L.A…
Are you, like me, dreaming about a renovation? Be sure you check out the Royale Reno-Cation contest – you could win money towards a renovation AND a spa vacation! AWESOME!
Ohhh…the things I would do if money were no object! Rip up the berber! Re-do the kitchen (granite! marble! maple!) Bathrooms, bathrooms, bathrooms. Heated floors. Heated towel racks. *sigh*