things i have done:
~~ let my kids eat boxed macaroni and cheese
~~ let my kids watch tv.
(my apologies…forgot to rotate before uploading, and i’m pretty sure you can’t rotate in photobucket…drr…)
~~ laughed while one of my children had a tantrum. in public.
~~ let my kids eat hot dogs.
~~ let my kid sleep with a bottle. or a sippy cup.
~~ used "because i said so" as an answer. just to get a child to stop talking.
~~ let my kids go an entire weekend without a bath.
~~ allowed my kids to lick the bowl.
~~ let my child ‘cry it out’
~~ told my kids that certain foods are only for adults and they are diet foods and don’t taste very good because i didn’t want to share.
~~ forgotten to take my child to a birthday party. and then told her it was cancelled.
~~ i’ve forgotten to go to parent-teacher conferences. twice.
~~ i have thrown away a sippy cup or a bottle because i didn’t want to wash it.
~~ i hide toys and books from my kids when i can no longer handle them anymore.
what have you done?
Um, ALL of the above…and
How yummy is Bella?????
aww Ali you always make me laugh.that vid of bella dancing was so cute. i have done too many things to mention here.talking about tantrums in public you should have seen stinkerbells oscar worthy performance last week.over a barbie weddding dress.the child was shrieking ear peircingly loud like a banshee for at least 30 minutes.but as her proud mama- she did keep her hands to herself.and i,good mama that i am let her do that in front of other be fair she DID have the dress first and an older girl took it off her dolly while i took her to go potty.when she came back and her dolly was naked she had her major meltdown.awww kids you have to love them huh?
-taken the batteries out of toys
-let my 15 month old eat McDonalds fries to keep him quiet
-fed him chocolate before bedtime
-stay up late because he was being cute
-let him play with the cordless phone to get 10 minutes of peace
Yup. Me too. And…
– bribery. too many times to mention specifics.
– threatened to leave if behaviour didn’t stop. it didn’t. we stayed anyway ’cause i didn’t want to go.
– let them watch reality t.v. because i was.
– skipped 3/4 of the pages in a book.
– answered a question with “what do you think?” after swearing i would NEVER do this to my kids.
– turned up the music in the car to drown out the whining/crying.
Wow! Thank you soooooo much for sharing that!!! I have also done almost all of those things but not many people know. I have also…
* let my son eat cake for breakfast
* given a 1 year old chocolate because his older brother was having some and I didn’t want to hear the screaming
* let my older son stay up way past bedtime because I was watching TV & I didn’t want to stop watching to read him a story & put him to bed
* bought son toy in the mall as a bribe to let me shop without him complaining every 5 minutes
~~i let my son sleep in the baby swing for the first 6 months of his life.