I first saw this ad over at IzzyMom. but now it seems like everyone’s got something to say about this controversial ad. this billboard, advertising a Chicago law firm, was taken down, apparently because they didn’t have a permit, and not, authorities say, because of the content of the ad. which begs the question…is the content offensive and does it cross a line or is it simply a clever advertisting tool that’s no different than what we see out there every day, on billboards and on tv??
people are outraged over this. you are familiar with both sides of this coin.
the one side is outraged because we live in a free country. we have the right to free speech. if a group of women lawyers wants to advertise with boobs and half-naked bodies, they should be allowed to do so. just as all the other companies can and do. why is this any different? if you find it offensive, turn the other cheek.
the other side is outraged because the ad is trivializing divorce. marriage is hard enough these days. people don’t need an ad to tell them that life is better without their spouse. the ad just gives people more reason to believe that lawyers are just ambulance chasers, just out to make a buck.
personally, i follow my own beliefs. is this ad is poor taste? of course. is it hilarious? you betcha. i consider myself a pretty smart person. and a smart person looks at this ad and doesn’t say, "hey, wow, those bodies are HOTT. you know what? i’m gonna run out and get me a quickie divorce so i can go out and get a hard body to lick" no. the smart person says, "ha. look at that. FGA is a company full of smart people, obviously. they put up a gigantic ad that’s going to get a lot of people talking. about their firm. and that’s exactly what they want"
and that’s exactly what they got. people talking. now, for better or for worse, FGA has become a household name. bloggers are talking about it. the ladies on the View are talking about it. the people at work are talking about it. hell, i’m even talking about it.
what do you think?
Sometimes I wonder if I live under a rock. I have not seen or heard anything about this ad, but I find it sad. It just makes me sad that a slogan like that could work and appeal to someone to throw in the towel on their marriage. A bit Pollyanna-ish I know.
LOL, that ad is hilarious. And ITA with Jen…I hate having to explain all these sex-filled ads, movie trailers, etc. to my kids…”well honey, it’s just that sometimes moms and dads stop loving each other and decide not to live together anymore. And sometimes the mom or dad finds another person they love and they want to be with them instead…so this ad is kinda talking about that…if you want to love someone else…then…ahhh…ummm…” you get the picture!
If that was all it took for someone to get a divorce, then they probably should get a divorce.
TOTALLY in bad taste but TOTALLY hilarious! If someone is inlfuenced by this to get a quickie divorce than a) best of luck finding a “hard body to lick ” (heehee) and b) congrats to their spouse for getting rid of the loser.
I have to say, I would not want to try and explain this one to my ever-curious 7.5 year old son 😉
Love the Hot Topic Friday, Ali!!
Yeah, I saw this ad! I thought it was hilarious, too — hilariously appalling. It did make me think, fo sho. And, that’s advertising.It’s definitely thought-provoking. People just need to exercise their critical thinking muscle, s’all!:)
this ad wouldn’t make me even consider divorce.and it does get peoples attention.do i think its somewhat offensive to use sex to sell there services?hell yes.but i’m not going to get my panties twisted in a knot over something that ridiculous.i for one wouldn’t even look twice at that ad.
I totally agree with you on this one. Yes, it kind of was in bad taste, but at the same time … It’s funny. And, it does make people talk.
If that sign is going to make you go get divorced then clearly you are already thinking about it, or as you put it, have already found someone to “lick”.
Truthfully, that ad wouldn’t sway me any more than the ads on the bus stop benches that advertise quick and cheap divorces.
I think it’s funny. And, I do have to say that I would be more likely to choose that firm since I woulnd’t feel judged. (I would imagine it would be hard to go to a lawyer for a divorce. But, I don’t know)