The boy is 5 today.
he came into this world – surprise! – 20 months after his sister. and he was a big ole’ bald melonhead.
(holy dark hair, Ali!)
Josh at 5 is a pretty awesome kid.
He is by far my best sleeper and by far my worst eater. but give him a pound of chicken wings and he’ll go to town. or steak. yes, he’s all boy, my child.
He is a superhero, a power ranger, a transformer.
He is a lego-maniac. and a Star Wars freak. He loves Webkinz and Xbox.
and is a master of the one-liner. some of his greatest hits:
"Wanna know something weird? My knee-pit stinks!"
Josh: Daddy, Britney Spears died.
Husband: No, she didn’t, Josh.
Josh: oh right, that was Moses (yes, that Moses. from the bible. because the two are so easily confused)
#3 (on the airplane):
“daddy! i just farted in my own face!”
husband: Josh, please don’t knee me in the balls, thanks.
emily, giggling: Daddy, what are balls? (giggle, giggle)
husband: they are the things underneath your penis.
josh: no, Daddy, those aren’t balls. they are poisonous beans.
Josh: Daddy, I will be Luke Skywalker. Who will you be?
Daddy: I’ll be Obi-Wan Kenobi
Josh: Okay, but if you see Darth Vader, don’t kill him….cuz he’s my dad.
i seriously could go all day with these…
Happy Birthday Joshua! 🙂
Poisonous beans! Love it. How cute your little guy is.
But seriously…YOU ARE NOT OLD. You just HAD CHILDREN YOUNG!!!
Poisonous beans?!
OMG. I am laughing SO HARD. The funny!
Happy Birthday to your amazing little guy.
Happy Birthday, Josh! I love the “’cause he’s my Dad”. Sweet boy. He’s right though, those are poisonous beans 😉
“…cause he’s my dad.” Hilarious! I’m pretty sure your children are the cutest things to ever walk the Earth. For serious.
“…cause he’s my dad.” Hilarious! I’m pretty sure your children are the cutest things to ever walk the Earth. For serious.
“…cause he’s my dad.” Hilarious! I’m pretty sure your children are the cutest things to ever walk the Earth. For serious.
Hilarious. Can’t wait until my little guy is 5 and starts with the boy-humour. Happy Birthday Josh and “mother’s” day to you, Ali.
Happy Birthday, Josh.
What a cutie. And, I love love love his one liners. Is it me, or does that first picture of him (in overalls) look like Isabella?
oh Happy Birthday Josh!hahaha that is one hilarious kid you’ve got Ali.#1 and 3 cracked me up .my stomach hurts from laughing so hard….
Awww… sweet post. Happy Birthday Josh!