I am in the middle of two glorious weeks off of work. (My real estate career is thankfully one I share with a fantastic business partner so we get to trade off holiday time during the summer.) We’re not going away during my time off, just sticking around town, hitting the beach, harvesting zucchinis as big as my thighs and making cake, giving early morning pedicures on the deck, turning the sprinkler on under the trampoline and wearing the sidewalk chalk down to tiny nubs.
It feels so nice to just be wholly present and not booking appointments, answering my phone every few minutes and thinking about my job. I have really enjoyed my first year back to work, but I’m also really enjoying this little break from the juggling act.

This is basically what I look like: ridiculously huge grin plastered across my face, still in my jammies, and food stains all over my face. Viva la summer holidays!
Excellent. Enjoy yourselves!!