This morning I drove my16 year old to the airport for her first flight alone. She has done considerable travel both with family and with schoolmates/friends but never alone.
She has a tight connection to make and a 45 minute presentation to deliver at the other end.
Letting her go to this event was easy for me. But letting her go is so hard.
I have this way of saying yes to all the great things in life for them and for me. It is part of me refusing to say something can’t be done, or that they/ I can’t have something or some experience. I am most stubborn about this so saying yes is easy. Making everything happen on the other hand can be a challenge- That is why there is no time to think about the feelings that might accompany something until it happens.
And then it hits you like a mac truck.
We both cried a little at the airport (me because I am anxious for her, and excited, proud and missing her already- her because she cries like I do when life is full and responsibilities and joys overflow). I watched her until she was out of sight at security the way they always do in the movies- you know till the very last minute just in case they turn around and feel lonely because you left before their last turn around.
Man watching our display said -“they grow up so quickly” and I said “yes and we are all still growing up”.
On my return home I get a little happy text (with excitement typos)
and I sent her one explaining why I had tried to call
and then this from her
as she is my oldest – the day she was born she turned me from a regular girl to a superhero action figure with eyes at the back of my head. You know- a mom.
And this year is the first she won’t be with me at all on Mother’s Day.
Motherhood is that precious and heart wrenching dance of holding on and letting go simultaneously.
I pick you up after midnight- so it will be Monday ! love you-moms
happy early mothers day 🙂 I love you so much and I’ll see you on sunday xxxxx
and to you grumbler!!! Love that pic of your mom! Stylin’.
I’m hugging you, Nance. My Village. My sistah. You’re doing it all so very well, you know… xoxoxoxox Happy Mother’s Day!!