So kid, here’s the deal. Just about two years ago, you were doing this.
Notice the uncontrolled tongue, the drool, the inability to speak – unless you include non-stop laughter as words.
Tonight – after we sat on the front porch, eating a popsicle and talking about your day at school, you got undressed for your bath. WAIT – YOU undressed yourself for your bath – head to toe. YOU grabbed your dirty clothes and put them in the laundry…and YOU went to the potty. All. By. Yourself.
How did this happen??? KID – STOP GROWING UP SO FAST. Stop it. That is all.
or else I’ll throw you out with the garbage…got it???
ok – he is so cute and his life with you is so great.
he is like your ‘pocket’ date.
love the popsie on the porch while chatting- soon it will be a beer
Poor little laddie. I can’t tell if that is glee or outright fear on his face 🙂
Feel your angst but hey, you’ve still got years! Our eldest daughter hit 12 this spring, and already I’m starting to sense she’s pulling away a little. No longer Daddy’s little girl boo-hoo.
I remember a holiday about 10 years ago when my wife and I came back from a day out. Grandparents were looking after our daughter. When she saw us coming back she ran across the hotel grounds arms outstretched. My wife crouched down to gobble her up and she ran right past and did a flying limpet cling onto my leg.
Just got to stock up on those kind of memories as it makes everything worthwhile! Teen years here we come… eek
Last night Chickie and Brennan were talking about books ….and authors…and she was giving him a run for his money!
My nearly 12 year-old is already showing signs of being a man. He is so self-sufficient and independent and getting all hairy and stuff. It is SO short! I mean, he should still be my baby. On the occasions when he needs his mom I relish those moments. But they are fewer and farther between. The job of motherhood is heart wrenching.
Yep. Mine’s only 2.5 and I’m feeling it with him – went to the potty by himself the other day, pulled down his own pants, wiped, the whole thing. WOAH. The 7 yr old is out of sight, too, letting daycare teachers which day she needs to go back for lunch and which not without me even prompting her. amazing. Freaking scary, but also amazing.
Isn’t it amazing? Madame put on her own tights yesterday – the right way and everything! Indeed, it does seem like just yesterday that they could barely even walk, huh? Le sigh.
Aww! Mine is five too, but some days I do want to throw her out and not for growing up so darned fast!
You’ve got a handsome boy there!
sadly it just keeps happening. Watching all our videos of the boys as babies yesterday was very bittersweet. But each new age and stage brings with it so many great things. Lots to look forward to and many more memories to be made!!
Amazing – I see it everyday….my oldest is going into Gr 1, my daughter is starting JK and I am terrified and my little one just turned two and can have a full on conversation with me. I see them changing right before my eyes and it makes me sad BUT I am also so proud that they are learning from me…. hold on tight and take lots of pictures and videos to capture all the amazing moments – I never want to forget each little milestone but find myself making sure I write about them somehow…. I took them all to the park tonight and was swinging with Andrew and he was holding me so tight – I never wanted him to let me go!!