In a couple days my husband leaves for a business trip to Chile, the lucky guy. For three weeks he’ll be traveling South America learning all about the new agricultural innovations there, meandering through 30 degree days, dining at fine restaurants and mingling with the people. I am fully in support of him going on this trip, but it’s going to be a looooong three weeks with him gone in the dead of winter, with me left alone with our three ill-behaved children. I have already resigned myself to the fact that we are basically going to live off of grilled cheese sandwiches and canned soups, and I have given myself permission to lower the bar. Survival will be the name of the game. We can do it! Thankfully my mom is going to come and keep my company for a week in the middle of his absence to help me maintain that white-knuckled grip on my sanity, but it has me wondering how women who are married to men whose jobs take them far away for long periods of time (those in the military, or on the oil rigs, etc) and single mothers cope and make a go of it on their own.
Amanda I love the photo for this with the sweethearts on the map!
I guess I might say from my perspective that you can do anything if you have to and that life is so sweet when you have the doing without an then the doing with. It is good to really feel someone is missing and then welcome them home again. My girls and I used to decorate the front door when my (former) husband returned from trips. The excitement we met him with was so much bigger than that of a regular end of day!
To answer your question- my ‘partner’ has been away for 5.5 years and is not coming back. Life is very good but overwhelming all the time.
Husband spent the last year working in a different province because he couldn’t find work in ours. He would spend 3 months out, 2 weeks at home. It was a long year. Skype made the difference. That, and good friends.
Sean went to India for 3 weeks last May. It will be an annual trip he is required to take for work so he will probably be gone every May for as long as he works for this company.
Quite honestly it wasn’t bad at all. Weather is decent here, kids are in school…
I missed him ALOT and the kids did too, but it went by and we got through.
We just made plans and had certain rituals – McDonald’s on Thursdays, movie night, they alternate who sleeps in my bed with me. The biggest thing for me was to stay organized. With lunches, laundry, cleaning…if I was on top of all of that, things ran smooth.
I will say I DREADED when he travelled when the kids were little. It was really REALLY difficult. Kudos to you mama! Make sure that the grilled cheese is on white bread with processed cheese – no other way to do it!!
Amanda – I bow to you. I bow to you when you have your husband at home and have three….but alone – you are a rockstar! Wine and grilled cheese I say!
My hubby use to travel a lot for his work as well. Being with our first newborn at that time it was really difficult for both of us especially in the cold winter months. He had to work and felt awful about being away. When he called I would be crying. Thank goodness for technology that hopefully will give you and the kids opportunity to Skype and stuff! Keep yourself busy and take in offers for help. The three weeks will go by fast! hang in there! And just when you and the kids are use to quick and easy meals of grilled cheese and soup, he’ll be back wondering where the sit down roast dinners are! And remember that he is missing you all too! xx
AAAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhh! That’s all.
Oh Amanda, I feel your pain! My husband travels far too often. I don’t talk about it ever because I have a creepy neighbor who loves to stalk my family (weird? Yes.) Anyway, I always lower the bar… Half the time forget to empty the litter pan (and don’t feel bad), and order pizza often… But I always feel WICKED self sufficient when he comes home and I’m all “I am Mommy!! Hear me roar!!”…
The bonus of it too, is that he feels guilty for leaving me and lets me sleep in upon his return… I love that 🙂
Good luck girlie, you can do it!!