So, The Boy has two genius parents who geniously decided that it would be so fun to take a vacation with our 14 month old.
Until now, “vacation” has meant visiting my parents…meaning staying at my parents comfy house and making them cook, clean, go on late night McD’s runs (not joking), look after The Boy at the beach while we swim…you get the point. We’ve always had extra hands around.
This “vacation” will be nothing like our past ones…in fact, it will be full of firsts for The Boy:
- First time sleeping in a hotel
- First time eating out (seriously, it’s not worth the hassle to me so we usually just order in)
- First time going on one nap (bah! what was I thinking)
- First time meeting whales and seeing Niagara Falls (ok, I think that will be a fun first)
You get my point. There will be a lot of firsts as we venture out for a few days of family “fun” in Niagara Falls. Between the two hour car ride (please God, let him sleep), the lack of routine (which I live for) and the lack of proper sleep (which I am crazy about!)…I just don’t know how The Boy and his parents will get through it.
Help a mother out- what are your tips/tricks for traveling with a 14 month old toddler? How can I make this a fun experience for all of us??
Portable DVD Player with favourite Telly-Tubby/ Thumbelina (ok… you may need Tom Thumb)/ Charlie & Lola DVD’s firmly afixed to the headrest and pointing at the car seat. The bunny loves that…
My best piece of advice for traveling with kids is DON’T STRESS!! I had to learn that vacation for my kids was just as exciting as it was for me and that meant that they probably would not want to go to bed when i asked and would probably be louder than normal in the car. I learnt early on to take it in stride!
We’ve been traveling since our twins were newborns. My mom is 2 hours away so we did that and overnighted all the time. We had our first hotel stay at 3 months because hubby had to have an MRI in Timmins which is a three hour drive. His MRI was at midnight and I wasn’t willing to stay alone with 3 month old twins so we all went.
Advice: Since it’s only a 2 hour drive you should be OK, leave at naptime so he will sleep. If it were longer, I would say schedule in a stop every 2 hours. Hotels (and other peoples homes) were not problem for us. While you’re away, let him nap where ever he needs to, stroller, car, whatever, if he falls asleep, let him. It will free you up to be out all day. On the other hand, if he won’t sleep while out, take him back to the hotel for a good nap. Take him to places that have hands on activities where ever possible.
I would recommend that you travel regularly to get him used to it. Last year we flew out west and I was really worried about the girls on the plane (2 1/2 at the time), but I brought lots of new activities and they both slept a little and were amazing both ways. They were also awesome staying in hotels and at various homes of family and friends. Get him used to traveling now and it will serve you well in the future.
My 2 cents.
Well, travelling with kids takes an inordinate amount of patience sometimes. OK, all the time. If you want a good laugh about travelling with children (and a few suggestions), check out our road trip to the east coast with three kids last summer. At the very least, you can rest assured that yours won’t be nearly this insane!! 🙂
Good luck! And when all else fails, I recommend a nice glass of wine. (for Mom, of course) 🙂
Keep your expectations low. Remember you’ll be back on track as soon as u get home. HAVE FUN. First time eating out?! You do like routine!