It’s been a snoozy week at our house. Will has been waking and coming into my bed at around 4 in the morning. I’m fine with it. It is what it is. But the issue is I can’t go back to sleep and my brain just starts going at 120 km/h. This morning in between planning what I’m taking to Chicago, thinking about the price of lawnmowers and worrying about whether our annual numerologist appointment is going to happen, I started to think about how we write all these blogs where we ask for advice, but rarely do we come back and tell you what we did or how things are going. So, lest you think I don’t take your advice when I ask for it…I thought I’d update you on a few issues that came up over my last year at UrbanMoms!
Heeding Your Advice! Sort Of….
A. The Big Boy Bed Dilemma
A few months ago, I was debating moving Will to a big boy bed. He is a little bit over two and a half right now…..aaaaand he’s still in his crib. I really did think about it after many of you told me it was time to move him. And I had plans to do it…but I didn’t. My new plan is to move him to his toddler bed the first weekend of April. We’re talking about it a lot. I’m hammering it into his head that even if he’s in a big boy bed, he has to call me to come get him out. I’m hoping to not chicken out. On a positive note, I did get rid of his highchair last weekend. Yes – apparently I do have containment issues…my back is breaking from the Baby Bjorn…KIDDING!!!
B. Dating
Take a look to your right at the archives section of my page. Do you see the ‘Dating’ category? Do you see the ‘1 entry‘ in it. Yup one…from this time last year. I can’t bring myself to read it because I know I was vowing to get out there etc. And I did. I put a listing up on a dating site…and if not wanting to date a bunch of 50 year old, topless, biker dudes makes me shallow, then I don’t want to be deep! Honestly, I tried. Then I stopped. And now I’m trying again and about to stop. I haven’t seen one person that I’ve been interested in dating on that site. Here’s what I will say. I really do want to meet someone so if you have someone that you’d think I would be interested in, let’s talk and I’ll get that number over one entry. Pathetic!!
C. My Nervous Breakdown
So in January, I told you all how I had totally lost my mind in the parking lot at Will’s daycare and that I knew then it was time to go back to the doctor. You really were all amazing and supportive. What happened? I called my postpartum doctor and was told that since I’m no longer postpartum I couldn’t see her. They also weren’t sure if my issues were…brace yourself…portpartum or premenopausal….nice. Regardless, I went to my regular doctor, bawled for awhile in her office and went back on my anti-depressants. It’s been about two months now and I feel great! I’ve said it before – eff you Tom Cruise. I honestly am surprised at the change. I feel my old self, I look forward to things, I’m getting so much enjoyment out of Will and I feel balanced. I think I’ve accepted that I will be on anti-depressants for the rest of my life and I’m totally okay with that.
D. The Blasted Television
So back in October, I asked you how I handle tv and Will’s insane morning book habit. I’m very happy to report, that I’ve handily won the TV battle! He no longer asks for it in the morning (unless he’s at aunties) and we have an agreement that he can watch it after school if he’s a good boy. Also, we use a timer. I won’t change the video until the timer goes off. He’s like freaking Pavlov’s dog now…all about the timer! He only gets videos in the car if we’re on long trips OR I’m trying to keep him awake and he doesn’t battle with me over it. The morning books…well, we now read three together and if I’m not ready for work, he reads by himself while I get ready. But it’s three…and there is no more fighting. And two at night….and he’s down with it. Who knew he could be so reasonable …bahahhahahah.
So here’s my new question…..if he does something wrong that catches you off guard so you laugh hysterically….how do you get him to know it’s actually something totally unacceptable??? This was Will – two days ago, eating his dinner with his dirty sock that he had worn all day (I wasn’t paying attention). In my defense? He WAS eating broccoli!
I dare you to not laugh at this…
You guys all rock! He tried the sock trick again this am…I pulled it off his hand in the knick of time…it’s funny but it does sort of gross me out. And I’m on it Nanc!!!
I love ya, lady. I’m so happy you seem to be happy. Don’t stress about anything you don’t have to. He can stay in his crib – why not? If he’s not cramped or impeded in any way… can you take a side off the crib in the mean time? It doesn’t really matter in the long run anyway, as long as he’s SLEEPING!!
I wish I had a date-option for you.. really I do. I think you’re a catch, doll. 😉
I agree with Christine- it can’t be that bad if it is that funny.
Also the best part of society and the outer world getting a hold of our children is that it will show him in no uncertain terms that sock eating is a little wild.
This post is wonderful and I am so glad you are feeling better.
Also – I cannot wait to hear on the dating. it will happen – just stay open (and for goodness sake follow up on doula- girl’s connection)
couldn’t be any weirder than lava life or its ilk….if you have my email, let me know! (why do i feel like a ‘madam’ suddenly?)
I dunno…I kinda think that if it’s something that makes you laugh hysterically – can it really be THAT bad?
hmmm doula girl…I’m liking the sound of this one! Loving kids and John Krasinski like sounds better than anything I’ve seen!!
Sara, if it makes you feel any better, I’ve been reading a bunch of sleep books lately (to form a battle plan for encouraging Hazel to sleep better) and all the ‘experts’ recommend leaving a child in the crib until age 3!! That ship has sailed for us, but it sounds like the crib is still working out for you and Will so don’t sweat it if you don’t want to.
Love this blog Sara – love the summary of things. But about the hysterical situations and the laughter? Me thinks its best to wait to ‘discipline’ until the next time it happens again…probably wont happen again so whats the bother. Enjoy the laugh? I don’t really know but I do know how hard it is not to laugh…
ha! you’re right, he is eating broccoli….i’d say, praise the broccoli and totally omit any mention of the sock. in my house, usually any acknowledgement (good or bad)is just an invitation to more craziness. i can just see him thinking….”c’mon mom, mention the sock..i double dog dare you!”
i am so thankful to be not dating. i couldn’t imagine going online to do that. don’t get me wrong, i’m not judging like…oh, _you_ went online? but it must be so hard to surf thru pages of, well, basically lies until you get someone normal. however, i do have a friend…35, handsome (if you like john krasinski), single, loves kids…