It’s very early in the morning on Family Day. A long weekend in February. It’s so awesome – if you live in Ontario – or if you’re not me who has been up all night worrying about work. This is new for me since I’ve had Will. I used to work a lot. It was easy since I didn’t have any responsibilities. I could just work when I felt like it. Go in on the weekend and stay really late. Now, I’m in the office at 8 and I leave at 4:30. This weekend, I planned on working when he napped but I napped when he napped. Thankfully, my sister is going to take him today so I can go to work. But for the first time – I’m bitter. I want to just hang out with him. This whole multi-tasking of responsibility is very new to me. I need to find a balance. And I will – maybe on Thursday when I have a hump in my work schedule and when I’m quite sure the golf ball sized glands in my throat will explode and I’ll be confined to my bed.
This weekend was back to back ‘holidays’. Ah Valentine’s Day. How you annoy me every year. Here’s the thing with these Hallmark Holidays – they make part of the population feel amazing and part of the population feel like arse. Think about it – VDay, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day….if you have a lover, mom or dad or are a lover, mom or dad – good for you celebrate away. If you don’t, you have to avoid the malls a month or so before because you’re made to feel inadequate. I remember the first mother’s day after my mom died. It was excruciating – every where you turned it was a reminder of what you’re missing.
How about we do away with these ‘holidays’ and do something crazy instead! If you love someone; think your mom is awesome; have a kick ass dad…tell them any old day of the year. I hear that August 10th or November 16th are feeling bad because they aren’t holidays.
Sidenote – Will and I had an awesome ‘Valentine’s weekend’. My friend and I took our two 18 month olds out to dinner (and for beers of course) and there were no meltdowns, no broken glass and no eye rolls from the fellow diners – SUCCESS!!! Will and I took a bath where he was quite worried about my nipples being clean, I guess he remembers what kept him going for 15 months!
Classic! My friend suggested maybe he thought it was dirt or something and was trying to rub them off….
I love that Will was concerned about your nipples. My youngest (he’s 4) still calls my breasts my “bottles”. At least he doesn’t call them “jugs”.