‘Round my parts, yesterday was the first real spring-like day so far. Seems like everyone crawled out of their hibernating holes and got outside to enjoy some sunshine and warm temperatures. I took a nice stroll around my neighbourhood and noticed that every park, every café, every patio was crowded with people out taking the air. The sidewalks were packed with folks and everyone had a little spring in their step. The air was steeped with optimism and smiles shone on everyone’s face. Yup, I love spring.
I love the sense of renewal and that refreshing zing of energy. I love to shake off the dust of winter and start my spring cleaning. And because I also love the green grass and tender green crocus and narcissus shoots, I take care to use green ingredients when I get outside and wash up.
Yesterday I took down my kitchen blinds and washed off a season’s worth of dust, and I also cleaned the kitchen windows, inside and out. I wanted to have a fresh, clear and sparkling view of the morning sun for my coffee today, so I mixed up some of my favourite earth-friendly cleaning solution and you KNOW it involves vinegar, don’t you?

Here’s my recipe for streak-proof window cleaning (it works well on any surface, but it’s especially great on windows). And although I love me some vinegar, it’s often not enough to get off the waxy residue from environmental pollutants (or years of non-bio-friendly cleaners), so add a touch of dish soap to the mix.
Lisa’s Fool-Proof, Streak-Proof Window Cleaning Solution:
1/2 cup vinegar
1 teaspoon liquid dish soap
4 cups of water
You can put it in a bucket or spray bottle(s). Shake/stir gently to blend (but don’t foam it up too much). Apply to windows with a cloth or sponge. I get the best results by using a squeegee to remove it, but if you don’t have one you could use old newspapers to do the job.