Hi Gorgeouses,
Sorry so late with this post. The monkey is FINALLY in her crib. Not sleeping, but not screaming, so we’re good for a little while. I FINALLY have time to gossip with you. Wait till you see THIS….Check it!!!:
Oh – my – gosh. Speechless. EW!
BFF’s Britney and Paris (and Ruby Stewart, but who cares…) partying all night (till later than 5:30am)…and into the day:
OH – MY – GOSH!!! Can you believe? I just don’t have the words. I don’t know what to think about this. It’s sooo none of my business or anything, but this is NOT a good PR move on Brit’s part. THIS is what Britney comes up with to combat criticism that she’s an inattentive mother (since she’s been constantly partying it up LA-style with Paris Hilton)…? THIS is what she comes up with? I.e., taking Sean out on the town with Paris and Ruby Stewart, and not appearing all that ecstatic about it? Bad. Just. Bad. Just when I was feeling sorry for her because Federslime’s being a total prick she pulls this stunt. We is not amused! We is not impressed, convinced, or entertained by this (well, maybe entertained — in a really sordid sort of way…). Sean is absolutely precious, and he’s caught in her mess. Poor little adorable guy! I’m seriously concerned. And, otherwise speechless.
Photos of Brit et al, with thanks c/o Splash News Online.
Scoop and photo, with thanks, c/o X17 Online.
I don’t get it! Aren’t most new mothers craving sleep? Who the hell is with Jayden James and Sean Preston while Britney is out gallivanting. I’m sorry — I’m really not a fan of judging other mothers — but this is appalling. The poor kids. It’s not like Brit’s out working all night to support her family. NO! She’s out partying all night with the world’s most notorious party-girls. All. Night. Long. The poor kids. ‘Nuff said cuz I’m feeling a little pissed off.
Scoop and photo c/o PerezHilton.com.
Can you believe? Married less than 6 months and already divorcing. Is it me? Or is Hollywood going more insane than evah!? Shockers.
I cannot believe my eyes. I can’t. Can’t. This is just bizarre. There is not one item on her that I would wear. Not one! Not the boots, not the shades, the stockings that frock or whatever, not even that purse (I prefer my Roots diaper bag, thank-you-very-much!).
Is it me? Or does James Wilke look a little like Nathan Lane…? Ermmm….
Sources say the same company that disseminated Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee’s sex tape has gotten its hands on another scandalous sex tape featuring Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey performing various sex acts. Jess is FREAKING out. Ugh. Not again. When will they ever learn. Hellooooooooo! Yes, YOU out there! Do NOT make sex tapes unless you’re okay with having your naked butt (and obviously much more) on every weirdo in the world’s computer screen. ‘Nuff freaking said. I am so done hearing celebs freak out about this!!!
How annoying are celebs being these days? Like, EW!?!
Are you as annoyed as I am by today’s gossip? Spill it.
Hope you’re having a great Monday. Thanks for your patience. After you leave me a wee comment here to say hi and/or vent about the above NARSTINESS, come visit with me some more over at The Cheaty Monkey.
xo Haley-O
At least Brit wasn’t flashing her vagina in these pics. Or maybe I’m just so used to seeing it now I just don’t even notice it anymore.
will celebrities NEVER learn that making sex tapes is a bad idea????
also…Paris and Britney may just be nastier than K-Fed and Britney. ew.
I agree – they ARE annoying. And just so bizarre. I was really nervous to go to L.A. two years ago, because I thought everyone out there would be totally off the deep end. Turns out it’s just concentrated in one little area.
So much good gossip today.
The Britney thing is bizarre. And honestly, she’s fighting for custody of her kids. Not a good time to start partying all night. And, BFF with Paris? Ick.
As for Pam&Kid. That’s bizarre. They were engaged for longer than that. Weird stuff.
And the sex tape. We need not say more. Don’t tape yourself!! I’m not even a celebrity and I would never. Cause I’m not stupid. Innocent mistakes can be pricey.
Nannies. Didn’t you see Grey’s the other week ? Nannies mean more than mom’s. Brit’s kids are okay. And possibly learning a second language from the nanny.
I like SJP, too! I just think cutie-petutie James looks a wee bit like Nathan! Probably just coincidence… ;).
Does the Pam/Kid Rock divorce surprise ANYBODY? And Brit? No surprise there, either…K-Yuck is a pig, but she’s just ick. Serious ick. I LIKE SJP – SHUSH. 😉 And the Olsen’s have some cute kid’s clothes from what I’ve seen…some seem too “old” for little girls, but some are pretty cute.
I’m shocked by Brit too – a v. bad PR move (aside from EVERYTHING else!)
I’m with you Haley-O. Brit should be ashamed. She should have gotten this out of her system BEFORE she decided to bring 2 precious babes into the world. Being a celebrity does not give you permission to behave badly! Obviously, money buys lots of toys, clothes, and the best nannies in the world but NOTHING can replace a mother’s love.
As for Mary-Kate – my big question, how the H*&# can she walk in those suckers?! Why, MK, why??
Oh, Jess. You can’t tell me that this wasn’t intentional. Not getting enough of the limelight? Jealous of Paris’ celeb status however warped? If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. Sick.