Hi Gorgeouses!
Sometimes, I forget how to spell "gorgeous." I’m always tempted to spell it "gorgous." That’s why "GORJ" is good, is the way to go.
check it!!!!!
“I worked with Pam seven years ago and haven’t seen her since,” Clooney announced via his spokesperson. “And I’ve never been to that
restaurant.” You never know, though…. We could see the two together yet….Mind you, check this next item….
Quoted from Splash News Online.
I don’t know who this dude is, but he’s no George Clooney, that’s for sure. Curious, though, that this pic should surface right now — amid rumours of an affair with Georgey boy. Very. Curious.
Photo, with thanks, c/o X17 Online.
….And Paris needs a good tailor. I should know. I’m a total shorty (alllllmost 5’1"). Mind you, if too-long pants are in, I’m in serious luck — shortening pants is the biggest pain in the arse!
Paris is apparently suing the new site Parisexposed.com for selling her life for $39.95/month. If you register at this site, you can check out all of the videos, documents (including her passport photo, credit card receipts and bank statements), thingamajigs (including herpes medication…yikes!), private diaries and more. Paris had stashed these items in a storage locker when she and her sister moved from a home that was burglarized a while back. She supposedly forgot to pay the storage fees, and the items inside were sold and "exposed"…. Paris is furious, claiming that the moving company was supposed to pay the fees, and that Parisexposed.com has infringed on her privacy, endangered her life, put her at risk of identity theft, etc.
I don’t know WHAT to think of this new scandal. On the one hand, it’s more publicity for Paris. On the other, it’s a very serious breech of privacy. But, who does that? Who stashes stuff like THAT in a storage locker for 2 years? Why not a safe? A safety deposit box? Sigh, the price one pays for UTTER STUPIDITY. Sad.
Website scan, with thanks, c/o Splash News Online.
Daniel Craig at the Beijing premiere of Casino Royale. Those EYES! But…that HAIR…is FLAT…., or something…. Someone call a stylist pronto. We have an emergency situation!
Errm…. Do you think Ivanka Trump knows one breast’s bigger than the other. Well, she does now! All the intergossips are talking about it. Someone needs to be fired….
…It MUST be love…. Still not convinced. He could eat her head whole.
Did you know I used to take dance classes with Neve Campbell downtown in Toronto? Well, I took hip hop and jazz in one studio, and she took ballet in the other. I was in my early twenties. We used to chat together between classes. She was so nice, so pretty. She actually introduced herself to me the first time we got to chatting — she was that approachable. She looks like arse with this short hair and all that army green. But, she’s still classic gorj. And, she was/is a totally fab dancer.
Brandy killed a woman. A mother in her late 30s. In a car crash last month. She was speeding on the freeway and hit the slowing car ahead of her. She’s facing what may be charges of misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter. If she’s found guilty, Brandy could be sentenced to up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. We all phase out while driving now and then. This is very, very tragic for everyone concerned.
Sienna Miller entered in this tassely number….
And she exited in THIS….
No. Words. Except maybe one: nutball.
Photos, with thanks, c/o Splash News Online.
Okay, who’s watching The Young and the Restless? I am not happy about this whole Sheila-as-Phyllis scenario. The show’s INSANE right now. And, I do not watch Y&R to be disturbed. I do NOT want to see people shot at, dying slow deaths, sticking blunt knives into themselves, threatening babies’ lives. It’s TERRIBLE. They are SO MEAN for doing this to me! If I wanted to see all this, I’d be a CSI fan, or even 24. But, I’m not. I don’t DO violence. And, I don’t watch Y&R to get me some. I watch Y&R for the makeup (helloooo? Colleen’s is unbelievable, no?), the designer clothes, NICHOLAS NEWMAN. We is not amused by the latest DISTURBING events on this unfairly irresistible show. Dammit.
Come chat with me in the comments. I’m there!
And, stop by at The Cheaty Monkey, and give my little guest blogger a hello purrrrrr. Please? If you love me, you’ll say hi. He’s trying, really he is.
LOVE! xo Haley-O
JENN — I agree! Amber is THE WORST!!! She needs to get her arse back over to Bold and the Beautiful. Enough! And, yeah! How did Paul get this gig in the first place? Not hott and can’t act!
S@M — You WOULD like all this disturbing stuff! 😉 And, you’re right — I think the writers are changing their minds every day about who killed Carmen. I wonder if Corbell really is psycho. Too bad. He and Colleen are kind of…interesting….
K, Y&R… totally good I thought! See, I’m a 24 fan and CSI fan… so this kinda stuff doesn’t really bother me. I am however bored to tears of the whole Sheila trying to kill Lauren thing… I’ve seen this through from the beginning when Shelia tried to steal Scotty and when Lauren was married to Scott. When Sheila killed her own mother and tried to kill Lauren in a fire… it’s been YEARS! LOL
Colleen… meh, bored of her too. Professor Korbel… psycho! Amber drives me bonkers and I can’t wait for Cane to find out that Jill’s his mama! So know that’s going to happen, right? But and am still really stumped on the Carmen murder. I can’t figure that one out. I honestly think the writers haven’t figured out how to play that one yet.
What’s driving me crazy about Y and R is that Amber. She is a stupid character! I kind of like the crazy Sheila/Phylis thing. But that Paul is a horrible actor. Gimme some action with Sharon and the new guy! Plus who killed Carmen????
I was thinking of you when I saw some great pics of Jen Garner and Violet today. I love Jen! It’s so good to see celebrity moms WITH their babies. SHe looked so happy. Oh Celebrities =)
KATH — Yes, you have to see that flick. It’s awesome. Capital AWESOME. I WISH I could stop watching Y&R. It’s actually really great background noise for when I’m blogging. But, with all this disturbing, suspenseful stuff, I have to actually watch it, dammit!
LAV — I’m so sorry to inform you: Sienna’s outfit is, indeed, complete…. Hee! Tinkerbell! Good one!
ALI — I’m actually liking that word “couble.” Could be the new “gorj”? 😉 I love Colleen’s makeup, and I like that she’s on the bootilicious side. Makes her different. Her hair is too long and thinned-out-with-the-layers, now, though….
LAURAL — Yeah, she’s great. Very what-you-see-is-what-you-get, I think.
JEN — she should absolutely be held accountable. And, it’s a lesson (a bad horrible tragic one) that we all need to PAY ATTENTION when we’re driving.
JEN H — Yeah, that is kind of suspect. But, they must be so angry, and I’m sure they want to hurt her as bad as they can for hurting them so massively.
TUGGY — I think Sienna’s aiight, but I find her NUTTY! It’s like, since the whole Jude Law thing, she’s gone bizarro? Agree that John and Jess are good together cuz they both suck! Ha! 😉
JILL — I would love to get an interview with Neve for the site. I wouldn’t know how to reach her now — we hung out, like, 10 years ago, you know? Doubtful she’d remember me….
If you are going to post Daniel, even if he has great eyes, but it half naked!!! You know I don’t find his face attractive!
I’m so proud for my Georges!!
WOW! I knew you were star material, chatting with Neve!! You should have ask her an interview for this site!
Didn’t think Pam & George, thanktheLORD. Paris? buh-bye. Sorry, but she deserves it. Nicole looks a ‘little’ better…maybe? Poor Brandi…but yes, accountability. Don’t like Daniel Craig for some reason. Do like Sienna, and not sure why. Neve? LOVE. Since Party of Five days (yes, I just admitted that) Jealous of you. She could wear anything. Ivanka? LOL. Don’t like John or Jess – so I think they’re a great couple! hee hee…
I just heard the family of the woman killed by Brandy is suing the singer for $50million. I agree she should be held accountable, but this smells!
OK…I’ve got a secret crush on Daniel Craig…not so secret I guess! That bod! Wowzers.
Glad about Pam and George.
Paris…nuf said already.
I feel so bad about the Brandy situation. A young mom dead. Sorry, but she should be held accountable.
I LOVE Neve Campbell. That is really very cool.
That’s all I have to say today. Just love Neve. And jealous that you danced around her.
double. that’s supposed to say double 🙂
i’ve been watching Y&R at the gym. i can’t even look at Colleen. do you mean her make-up is GOOD? i think she looks like she was hit with a couble dose of homer’s make-up gun. also, she’s looking a little shunky thses days, don’t you think??? i miss the old colleen. i loved her…
oh haley where do i start?glad that georgy porgy isn’t dating pam.she’s kinda strange at times.what to say about nicoles dress and paris whats with those pants and what kinda idjit leaves their personal papers etc in a STORAGE LOCKER.and is crying wolf about it now…the lengths that girl will go to for publicity stunts…daniel craig in swimming trunks need i say more?who forgot to inject that other boob with silicone?neve that colour is so wrong on you and whats wityh the boy hair cut?yikes.is she in a new movie?brandy for shame i mean pay attention to where /what doing while driving.people need to get their heads outta their asses while driving!!!ohh look at me i’m tinkerbell!oh look at me i forgot my pants skirt or something.hales please tell me sienna isn’t wearing a complete outfit.
Oh yeah! I forgot! Thanks for the Daniel Craig. Gotta see that flick.
Okay, relieved to see the George/Pam thing was just a rumour (or was it?) As for Paris…ugh. Hem the pants and stop “accidentally” leaving your deets to be found by random strangers and exposed to the world. It’s getting old, now. What else…oh yeah, sounds like nothing’s changed on the Y&R since I watched it back in the late 80s. Do yourself a favour and switch over to something more cerebral, like, say celebrity gossip!