It’s all Christmas, all the time on this week’s Glee…so it falls into the themey episodes of Glee that are, well, not my favorites. But it’s Christmas, so I can forgive them. Mostly.
Because there was so much GOOD. Yes. Very, very good….
Like Mike Chang’s Christmas wish: I want Channing Tatum to stop being in stuff.
And Rachel’s hair. I am seriously loving her with bangs. And her desperate attempts at trying to win Finn back. While I enjoy them together and think this breakup is sadder than Kurt leaving Mckinley, I’m glad he’s not running right back to her. It will make their reunion all that much sweeter. ALSO? I usually hate the song Last Christmas…but Finnchel actually made me enjoy it for the first time ever. Points for them!
And Sue sabotaging Secret Santa. And Kurt’s idea of a track suit with a hood for those Ohio winter months. GENIUS! Speaking of Kurt, everything about him this episode was fantastic. Baby It’s Cold Outside. Best song of the night, hands down.
And a shout-out to the tribe-members…We’re going to eat Chinese and watch The Main Event.
And Bieste playing Santa for Brittany; so she will still believe. *weeps* I mean, sure there was a large amount of cheese but, well, what’s a holiday without cheese? I mean, awwwww, Sue the Grinch does love Christmas after all (but still pulls the one-liners: I thought you might wanna put all of out of our misery and shave off that Chia Pet) and no one wants to leave Mr. Schue alone on Christmas and Artie walks..OMG Artie walks! How very Tiny Tim!
What about you? Did you love it? Hate it? Weep? Laugh? Favorite song?
I actually did not love it as much as I normally do- not sure why- but still our fave show. Baby it’s cold outside was FANTASTIC (I sing that line ever time I come in out of the cold-all winter- badly- just ask my kids!)
I love Christmas and did not see the Tiny Tim thing! Thanks for that!
Sue can do know wrong- everything she says and does is hilarious.
I’m such a moron…I never even put the ARtie – Tiny Tim thing together…bad Christmas person. I loved it….but I still hate last Christmas. I howled at the chinese – main event thing…I think I have some tribe member in me…
Are you inside my head?
Could you please clean it up in there before you leave?