How was your Christmas? Good? All right, that’s great. What did I get? Oh, I thought you’d never ask…
I GOT THIS AMAZING PLAYHOUSE FOR CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR! It has a puppet theatre on one side, an ABM/post office on another side, a grocery store (complete with desk bell) on a third side, and a chalkboard on the fourth side.
Since I received this playhouse 6 days ago, I have already conceived and put on a short play starring a small plush Dora the Explorer and a wise old owl. In this play, the owl teaches Dora the art of karate only to have Dora get too big for her britches and challenge the wise owl to a duel. Just when Dora thinks she’s learnt all that the owl had to teach, he pulls one more trick out of his book and defeats his rogue student.
The first installation of the play was met with mixed reviews. While my sister-in-law threw and hit me with a plastic eggplant at one point, in the end there was a standing ovation. The second viewing went much better, and I am already hard at work conceiving my next play.
I have also bought and sold countless bags of plastic fruit at the grocery store, made many deposits at the ABM and mailed letters to family around the world.
My playhouse is truly amazing. I love it, and it is exactly what I have always wanted.
I’m even letting Pea use the playhouse from time to time. It’s the least I can do, considering my wife and I supposedly gave it to her for Christmas. Sure, Pea loves the house as though it were her own, but deep down I know we bought the playhouse for me and that’s all that matters.
It’s great to be young again. Being able to play and imagine once more has been one of the best parts of being a Dad and this is just the beginning. While I may be getting on in years, at least I will be able to remain young at heart thanks to my interactions with Pea.
Now, I turn my attention to birthday gifts. Does anyone know the weight capacity of those little Hummer trucks I’ve seen at Toys R’ Us? I think Pea would love one of those things…
So cute! Pea’s wee playhouse.
Best playhouse EVER!!! Very cool.
I was looking for the link to the online trailer for your play but couldn’t find it! You should put these creations on film, you and Pea will get a kick out of watching them years from now.
You are such a nice guy to let Pea play with your toy! Not everyone would be so willing to share;)