I used to love these ‘getting to know you’ emails…I think it’s because I have a thing for lists. I love lists. There is some bizarre joy I feel in crossing stuff off of them…seeing them dwindle down. In the fall I had a ‘to-do’ list for my house…there are two items left…cleaning the venetian blinds and putting Will’s year 2 pictures into albums. They stare at me – and I find myself talking to them..”I know, I know…”.
So over the last year, I’ve told you a lot of stuff about me. Like a lot. So I want to hear about you. I’m going to fill this one in – copy and paste it into the comments and lets learn a bit about each other…shall we…..(I got this list from afterellen.com – I thought it was a good one).
1. What time did you go to bed last night and were you alone?
Alone? HA..of course. I got into bed at 8:30 and watched American Idol till 10.
2. If you could be given ANY gift what would it be?
Just like that Spielberg movie, AI, I’d like to have one more day with my mom.
3. What was the last film that really moved/disturbed/thrilled you and why?
127 Hours. There’s something about the solitude that I could relate to and his will to live was awesome. The ending when the real guy comes out with his family…killed me.
4. What is your favourite TV show of all time ie you’ve seen them all, can watch it over and over again and quote lines from it?
Sex and the City. Even the crap ass movies couldn’t stop me from loving it.
5. Whats your favourite way to wake up and whats the first thing you do?
Well…it would be nice to wake up from a dead sleep having a massage from John Cusack or something but in reality, waking up to Will talking in his bed to himself as opposed to yelling for me is my favourite!
6. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name?
Hmm. I don’t know. My stripper name would be Thumper Safford. But maybe Tess – that is what Will would have been if he was a girl.
7. If you had to do a bushtucker challenge (you have to eat insects/grubs etc) what would be the worst thing you had to eat?
Any of it. ANY OF IT. If they took Canadian Survivor contestants, I couldn’t do it. I seriously couldn’t – not even for a million bucks.
8. Whats the worst/most embarassing CD/Album you’ve ever owned and do you still have it?
I gotta go with Hootie and the Blowfish. My friend Andrew took it out of my house, down the stairs, got in his car, and drove over it. Then reversed. Then drove over it. You get the picture. So no, I don’t have it anymore. But I can still sing most of the songs.
9. what would be your dream vehicle (bikes, cars, boats, batcar and millenium falcon is allowed!)?
I want an old school jeep. It would be black with tan interior. I’ve always wanted one and one day I will own one.
10. Whats your favourite fantasy people sandwich?
Oooh. I like this one. I wanted to be sandwiched between Brad and Angelina at the Golden Globes. But really – I’d take a John Cusack/Colin Firth sandwich because we could have some hot action but then some laughs and intelligent convo!
11. What characteristics do you dislike in yourself?
I don’t like that I’m a yeller.
12. Your favourite item of clothing and why?
Right now, it’s the nine west boots that I’m wearing. I love them because I waited them out. They were $200+ in the store and I tried them on, and visited them, and wanted them bad. But I waited…AND got them at the outlet store for $60.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be and who would it be with?
I’d like to go to everywhere with Will! And I’m planning on it before he’s a teenager and hates me, I’m taking a year off and we’re doing it. Sell my house? Maybe – whatever it takes.
14. If you could have any animal/creature, What would be your ultimate pet be?
I just want a dog. God I’m boring. I want a bassett hound and I’m naming him Larry.
15. What did you want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be?
I wanted to be a SAHM like my mom was. I will never be it. EVER. I’d kill myself.
16. Whats the next planned event you’re looking to in your life?
I’m going to Cuba!!! But I’m going to Rochester NY this weekend – and I’m psyched for that. I’m going to the movies tonight and I’m excited for that. Really, I’m just easily excited.
17. What were you doing before you started this?
Getting to work…
18. What was the last thing you ate that you really shouldnt of ?
My daily 3pm chocolate bar. Every. Single. Day.
19. If you were an ice cream/haagen daz/ben an jerrys flavour what would you be?
Good god – I have no freaking idea. Maybe neopolitan – the different flavours could be my radically different moods. I’m dark like chocolate before my period. Then I’m fluffy and happy vanilla. Then I’m strawberry…the one that people are okay with but no one really likes that much.
20. Who was the last person you spoke to that you didnt want to talk to?
hahahahah. What a question! The Bell mobility woman who cut off my effing blackberry for not paying my bill for two months! WHAT THE HELL!
21. What was your favourite toy as a child . . .and now?
I can’t remember at all what I played with as a kid. My favourite toy now….ummm…well…see question 23.
22. When was the last time you cried laughing and why?
I can’t remember specifically – but I’m sure it was with either my ‘girls’; my high school girls or my bookclub. All of these chicks make me laugh till I’m in tears everytime we’re together.
23. What is stashed under your bed/mattress?
See question 21….and note to self, move it before the cleaning lady comes next time.
24. What did you dream about last night?
Oddly, I can’t remember. I think I had a very solid sleep. Usually it’s so fitful that I remember everything.
25. What are you really afraid of?
I’m most afraid of something happening to me and not seeing Will grow up. I don’t worry that he won’t be well looked after but I don’t want to miss out. That and falling into a cave of snakes like Indiana Jones…that would suck.
So, tell me about yourself….I can’t live a second longer without knowing who your sandwich would be!!!!
Leanne! Thank you SO much – comments like this are what keep me blogging – I so appreciate it! Life has sure changed from the wtf days…man oh man…. thanks for making my day!
Sara – it’s funny you say that you know me now!! I’ve been reading your blogs since the wtf days from fm96 in London, always lurking, and never commenting! I really feel like I know you and it’s been so much fun watching your life change with Will!! You’ve made me laugh like crazy and cry like a baby some days, and I feel like you are one of my best friends! And I’ve never met you!! How cool is that 🙂 Keep on doing what you are doing cuz I would so miss you if you stopped sharing your life with us 🙂
Okay – Bobby…you need to see Silence of the Lambs…you really do. It’s so incredible.
Leanne – I’m in love with you and your hub and I have no idea who you are!! I love that you laugh so much…that’s what I’m holding out for. Your fear broke my heart…I’m so sorry for you. thanks for commenting in…now I feel like I DO know you!
I love these things too!!
1. What time did you go to bed last night and were you alone?
11 and was with my husband.
2. If you could be given ANY gift what would it be?
For my nearly 18 yr old son to realize he will be ok if his girlfriend breaks up with him. He’s soo in love with her and she’s a bitchy, toxic, spoiled brat! And I’m not some obsessive mother, it’s just the sad truth.
3. What was the last film that really moved/disturbed/thrilled you and why?
I don’t watch alot of movies so I can’t really answer this one.
4. What is your favourite TV show of all time ie you’ve seen them all, can watch it over and over again and quote lines from it?
The Office! We watch every re-run, over and over again and still laugh our asses off!
5. Whats your favourite way to wake up and whats the first thing you do?
Slowly and quietly. My husband is so loud and chipper and perky in the morning. I just want to ease into it as quietly as possible!
6. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name?
I’m ok with my name, but was never given a middle name. As a kid, I always wanted Michelle as a middle name though. And my stripper name would be Nicky St. Andrews!!! I like that 😉
7. If you had to do a bushtucker challenge (you have to eat insects/grubs etc) what would be the worst thing you had to eat?
I’m a serious gagger so I would be soo out of the game at this point.
8. Whats the worst/most embarassing CD/Album you’ve ever owned and do you still have it?
Hmmm, I like just about all of my album/cd’s but maybe one of my Columbia House selections from ages ago. Jon Secada I think his name was?? I think I listened to it just once!
9. what would be your dream vehicle (bikes, cars, boats, batcar and millenium falcon is allowed!)?
VW convertible!!
10. Whats your favourite fantasy people sandwich?
Mmmm, so easy! Dave Matthews and Ben Afleck
11. What characteristics do you dislike in yourself?
I’m a terrible front seat passenger/driver. Putting on the brakes, hangin on, holding my breath…it’s brutal and it just started in the last year or so. It pisses me off and my husband! I don’t know why it’s gotten so bad lately.
12. Your favourite item of clothing and why?
Hmm, not really in love with anything right now. But I did order a new pair of shoes on line last weekend and can’t wait for them to get here.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be and who would it be with?
Ireland and the UK, with my husband and my 2 sons. Then maybe down to Belize for a month or so, just chillin on the beach. And if all goes my way with Lotomax, this should be a reality by next week 🙂
14. If you could have any animal/creature, What would be your ultimate pet be?
A Weimaraner dog. I used to have one named Bill and he was the most loyal and loving animal.
15. What did you want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be?
An airline stewardess. I flew for the first time when I was 7 and that was my dream from then on.
16. Whats the next planned event you’re looking to in your life?
Hopefully 2 or 3 weeks at home in Ontario this summer!
17. What were you doing before you started this?
Flikr, and dinner before that
18. What was the last thing you ate that you really shouldnt of ?
One chocolate covered almond at work. The damn Christmas treats are still in the freezer and someone keeps bringing them out. It’s like and endless supply of crap.
19. If you were an ice cream/haagen daz/ben an jerrys flavour what would you be?
Something caramelly and nutty, with maybe a cherry thrown in there too!
20. Who was the last person you spoke to that you didnt want to talk to?
I’m a receptionist, so the person that called at 1 min. to closing time. Didn’t matter what they wanted or if they were annoying. I just didn’t want to talk to them!
21. What was your favourite toy as a child . . .and now?
probably barbies, or with my brother playing dinkies in the dirt! and now?? my xmas gift from my husband, a new DSLR camera!
22. When was the last time you cried laughing and why?
With my husband all the time! And we laugh like that all the time. We have the same weird, twisted sense of humour so it’s pretty awesome that he gets me and I get him. Love it!
23. What is stashed under your bed/mattress?
lol, and old friend 😉
24. What did you dream about last night?
I slept like a rock so no dreams were recalled this morning
25. What are you really afraid of?
Burying one of my children. I’ve done it once before and I never want to live through it again.
1. What time did you go to bed last night and were you alone?
I went to bed at midnight, and I wasn’t alone!!
2. If you could be given ANY gift what would it be?
I would like one more day with my mom.
3. What was the last film that really moved/disturbed/thrilled you and why?
I try not to watch disturbing movies. They disturb me too much! Although
I do plan on seeing “Black Swan”…but I’ve never seen “Silence of the Lambs”
A moving movie was “Benjamin Button” and thrilling movies for me
are any movies that have adventure or take place in other countries…however,
NOT ‘Eat, Pray, Love’…too predictable and formulaic for me… Loved ‘Out of Africa’…
4. What is your favourite TV show of all time ie you’ve seen them all, can watch it over and over again and quote lines from it?
I really enjoy Parenthood at the moment…Just love the situations…I can relate…
5. Whats your favourite way to wake up and whats the first thing you do?
I love to wake up, and have half an hour to slowly really wake up…Then I
like to go downstairs, make eggs, and read the Saturday paper with my husband…
My kids slowly wander in and tell us funny stories about the previous evening at
their jobs…both work in the service industry at a club and pub…
6. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name?
Bobby is my nickname…my family growing up only called me that. I like it…
7. If you had to do a bushtucker challenge (you have to eat insects/grubs etc) what would be the worst thing you had to eat?
Any and all of the above, plus snakes…I am completely nuts when it comes to snakes…I wanted to watch the new Medical show last night “Off the Map” but
noticed there was an Anaconda in it that episode…needless to say I turned the
8. Whats the worst/most embarassing CD/Album you’ve ever owned and do you still have it?
Don’t have it, but it was the Monkeys…
9. what would be your dream vehicle (bikes, cars, boats, batcar and millenium falcon is allowed!)?
My dream vehicle growing up was an MG convertible…Then for years I wanted
a jeep…that switched to a Range Rover…have to say now that
it would be a mercedes convertible, or more realistically, a little volkswagon
bug convertible. I’m really enjoying the comfort of my Mazda CX 7 at the moment…first time I’ve had leather seats!!
10. Whats your favourite fantasy people sandwich?
Brad Pitt shortly after he filmed 7 Days in Tibet and Robert Redford just after
he filmed “The Way We Were”…I’ve always loved the blonde hair, preferably
blue eyed guys…but not the surfer look…love a preppy looking blonde…complete
contrast to my dark hair…
11. What characteristics do you dislike in yourself?
I really kind of think I’m pretty great now that I’m a wise old woman!! However,
I’m impatient with sales people in stores when they don’t know what they are
doing and I hate that quality in me…I’m getting better at being patient…My job
forces me to be VERY patient at work, so I think my impatience spills out in other places…
12. Your favourite item of clothing and why?
My Michael Kors boots and my BCBG sweater…Saved up all fall for the boots and
found the BCBG sweater at Winners…oh, I am also proud of my vintage coat
that I found at Value Village for 25.00!! A Swakara fur like material with mink
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be and who would it be with?
I’d go to Asia, in particular Myanmar, Vietnam and Cambodia….the beaches
in Thailand…with a quick jaunt up to Kazahkstan…with my husband if he
would go!! Then we’d come back via Europe and go to France, Italy, Austria,
Switzerland, England and Scotland…and some other spots too!! A six month
vacation…Dream Dream Dream Dream Dreeeeeam
14. If you could have any animal/creature, What would be your ultimate pet be?
We have a dog…he is adorable…just big enough to be a dog, but small enough
to be easy to take care of…Mac, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel…
15. What did you want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be?
I wanted to be a social worker when I was really young. In high school I
wanted to be a foreign news correspondentand cover all the wars/revolutions etc…I’m an international ESL instructor…Go figure!!
16. Whats the next planned event you’re looking to in your life?
Kelowna this weekend for a girl’s weekend with my best friend from grade 8…can’t wait!!
17. What were you doing before you started this?
About to make breakfast…
18. What was the last thing you ate that you really shouldnt of ?
Half of a Lindt dark chocolate bar with cayenne pepper flavouring…
19. If you were an ice cream/haagen daz/ben an jerrys flavour what would you be?
I prefer lemon sorbet if I’m going to indulge…
20. Who was the last person you spoke to that you didnt want to talk to?
Nobody I can think of…
21. What was your favourite toy as a child . . .and now?
My favourite cuddle toy was a soft doll named “Granny Ross”…I got it from
the Granny next door, hence the name!! I also loved playing with Lincoln logs, Dinky cars with my brother, and other building toys…life was pretty simple in those days!!
22. When was the last time you cried laughing and why?
Over the holidays with good friends…
23. What is stashed under your bed/mattress?
twenty years of photos to be put in albums…
24. What did you dream about last night?
25. What are you really afraid of?
Snakes, so that Indiana Jones clip really freaked me out too!!
Regarding the poker tame, you may be so horrifed by what gets said — imagine Ricky Gervais’ Golden Globe stuff but rated X instead of PG — that you could be scarred for life. If you played, I might be able to convince them to allow a ‘stranger’ into the fray because there would be money involved. Otherwise, the chances would be very slim, but it couldn’t hurt to ask the others. These games happen very infrequently, 2-3 times a year max, just in our writing office at our conference/poker table.
hahaha Dave or should I say Xavier…I loved this.
Can I please come to a writer poker night sometime – I don’t play poker but I could observe!
1. What time did you go to bed last night and were you alone?
-Midnight. Jo-Anne was annoyed that I kept reading when she wanted to go to sleep, but she had already fallen asleep before she could tell me.
2. If you could be given ANY gift what would it be?
-To know that my daughter will always feel loved even after I’m gone.
3. What was the last film that really moved/disturbed/thrilled you and why?
-Haven’t seen many real movies lately. But the home video clip I shot of Mia pretending to use the potty — the tiny one from her dollhouse — was pretty funny.
4. What is your favourite TV show of all time ie you’ve seen them all, can watch it over and over again and quote lines from it?
-My memory’s terrible, so I have trouble quoting even my favorite stuff. Growing up, the Jon-Eric Hexum show “Voyagers” totally fired my imagination. But for sheer volume of entertainment, I got more out of “Cheers” than any other show I’ve ever watched.
5. Whats your favourite way to wake up and whats the first thing you do?
-Like you, waking up to my 2 year old singing to herself is the best thing ever. It’s innocent, joyful, and spontaneous – everything life should be.
6. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name?
-Xavier Charmington III.
7. If you had to do a bushtucker challenge (you have to eat insects/grubs etc) what would be the worst thing you had to eat?
-The flesh of the jerk who made me take a stupid bushtucker challenge.
8. Whats the worst/most embarassing CD/Album you’ve ever owned and do you still have it?
-I have a dozen Barbra Streisand albums that I got for my Mom to listen to during her decline before she passed — now I’m too attached to the memory of that music helping to ease her last days to delete them. As for my own albums: Rick Astley’s first two albums tops the list. Followed by Wilson Phillips.
9. what would be your dream vehicle (bikes, cars, boats, batcar and millenium falcon is allowed!)?
-Star Trek transporter.
10. Whats your favourite fantasy people sandwhich?
-The website questionaire says ‘sandwhich’ but you correctly changed it to ‘sandwich’. Either way, it’s made me fixated on food now, so you can tell the fantasy people to screw off and get their own lunch.
11. What characteristics do you dislike in yourself?
-How easy it is for me to get fixated on food. And how easily it is for me to procrastinate doing questionaires like this.
12. Your favourite item of clothing and why?
-White t-shirts, of which I have many. I wear them on their own or under other shirts, socially, or when lounging. They’re simple, no-nonsense, and clean.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be and who would it be with?
-In Europe with Jo-Anne and Mia. I could spend my whole life exploring that continent. We’d always start in Switzerland seeing my brother, his wife, and their two-soon-to-be-three kids.
14. If you could have any animal/creature, What would be your ultimate pet be?
-Any one that could be trained to clean up after itself. I’ve had cats for a while, now down to just one cat, and while I love her and all, I’m tired of that shit, literally.
15. What did you want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be?
-I think I wanted to be a comic strip artist, because I drew a lot of rudiementary comic strips for a few years back when I was young. Now that I write animated TV series as a career, I can see it’s not far off from that, I just tell real artists what to draw.
16. Whats the next planned event you’re looking to in your life?
-We’ve hardly done anything in the 2 years since Mia was born, so we’re looking forward to actually planning our first planned event. Hopefully a trip to Europe sometime before the end of the year.
17. What were you doing before you started this?
-Sitting at my desk preparing to work but procrastinating instead, which is how I start every morning, more or less. This is just a different way to do it.
18. What was the last thing you ate that you really shouldnt of ?
-Sneaky Dee’s nachos and beer yesterday for lunch. With the really ‘shouldn’t’ part being: ‘lunch’.
19. If you were an ice cream/haagen daz/ben an jerrys flavour what would you be?
-Any kind of ice cream in sandwich form. It’s like getting two deserts in one.
20. Who was the last person you spoke to that you didnt want to talk to?
-Like most people, a pushy telemarketer. I feel zero guilt now when I just hang up after saying I’m not interested. Sometimes I wait to see if they end the call themselves out of courtesy after I say that, which sometimes happens. But if they try to keep pushing it, I simply repeat myself, hang up, and move on.
21. What was your favourite toy as a child . . .and now?
Lego, bar none. I made so much cool shit with that stuff, the sheer number of hours I played with it was unmatched. Now my favorite toy as an adult is my IPod.
22. When was the last time you cried laughing and why?
-Playing poker with my writer friends is always insanely funny because comedy writers are devastatingly sharp. No filters, no holds barred, machine-gun paced humor, consistently hilarious.
23. What is stashed under your bed/mattress?
-My current book, surrounded by an army of dust bunnies on a creaky hardwood battlefield.
24. What did you dream about last night?
I usually sleep pretty well and don’t remember my dreams. Which is a shame, because I bet they’re awesome.
25. What are you really afraid of?
I don’t worry about it actively, but the fear of losing my mind someday is a pretty terrifying prospect. Along with society crumbling, since I’m not the outdoorsy type.
Nanc….I’m laughing so hard – my sister had a thumbelina….it was her fave…I remember it so well!!!
. What time did you go to bed last night and were you alone?
11 pm with teenage daughter who wanted to sleep with me and her large green bunny, small white bunny and tiny teddy bear.
2. If you could be given ANY gift what would it be?
I would like to give my dad his memory and use of his legs.
3. What was the last film that really moved/disturbed/thrilled you and why?
I was thrilled by the movie FLIPPED. Charming, darling, lovely
4. What is your favourite TV show of all time ie you’ve seen them all, can watch it over and over again and quote lines from it?
Gilmore Girls. Single mom with sass and humour. Great characters.
5. Whats your favourite way to wake up and whats the first thing you do?
I like to hear a beautiful man breathing beside me. Failing that- CBC radio.
6. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name?
7. If you had to do a bushtucker challenge (you have to eat insects/grubs etc) what would be the worst thing you had to eat?
Any of it. ANY OF IT. If they took Canadian Survivor contestants, I couldn’t do it. I seriously couldn’t – not even for a million bucks. (DITTO)
8. Whats the worst/most embarassing CD/Album you’ve ever owned and do you still have it?
The things I love never embarrass me although they should.
9. what would be your dream vehicle (bikes, cars, boats, batcar and millenium falcon is allowed!)?
motorcycle, scooter, convertible something
10. Whats your favourite fantasy people sandwich?
one boy at a time. otherwise confusing
11. What characteristics do you dislike in yourself?
Impatient. Impulsive. ADHD. Also love these things about myself
12. Your favourite item of clothing and why?
ooooohhhhh. So many lovers in my closet. Cannot choose
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be and who would it be with?
I love travel- would love to take my daughters and mom to NYC and Italy.
14. If you could have any animal/creature, What would be your ultimate pet be?
I always wanted a dauphin. I’m very pratical
15. What did you want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be?
A writer and a creative three ring circus. I seem to be there – sorta
16. Whats the next planned event you’re looking to in your life?
Family dinner Sunday night
17. What were you doing before you started this?
working out
18. What was the last thing you ate that you really shouldnt of ?
a kilo of jube jubes
19. If you were an ice cream/haagen daz/ben an jerrys flavour what would you be?
20. Who was the last person you spoke to that you didnt want to talk to?
not sure about this
21. What was your favourite toy as a child . . .and now?
thumbelina. She wriggled like a real baby.
22. When was the last time you cried laughing and why?
the other night at dinner- something funny was said
23. What is stashed under your bed/mattress?
this and that.
24. What did you dream about last night?
Can’t remember
25. What are you really afraid of?
taking anything for granted
Love these too!
1. What time did you go to bed last night and were you alone?
Went to bed at midnight (5am UK time & I had just gotten back). Started with my hubby then hubby left and pre-pubescent insomniac with restless leg syndrome joined me. Ugh.
2. If you could be given ANY gift what would it be?
I love the idea of another day with my mom. I want her to see her new grandson and see how much the others have grown. I want to spend my day snuggled up to her like we used to asking her every question I have had since she died. It would be either that or the ability to be content, at peace. My mom was good at it so maybe a day with her would give me both.
3. What was the last film that really moved/disturbed/thrilled you and why?
Black Swan. Disturbing and thrilling.
Or Grown Ups…disturbing in a very different way!
4. What is your favourite TV show of all time ie you’ve seen them all, can watch it over and over again and quote lines from it?
M*A*S*H* – LOVE.
5. Whats your favourite way to wake up and whats the first thing you do?
I love to wake up with the sun shining in the window and then snuggling with my family.
6. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name?
I like my name. I wouldn’t change it.
7. If you had to do a bushtucker challenge (you have to eat insects/grubs etc) what would be the worst thing you had to eat?
I just don’t know how I would react. I feel like if the stakes were high I could get through anything but I honestly don’t know. I have a pretty active gag reflex.
8. Whats the worst/most embarrassing CD/Album you’ve ever owned and do you still have it?
Milli Vanilli *shame*
9. what would be your dream vehicle (bikes, cars, boats, batcar and millenium falcon is allowed!)?
Little sporty convertible.
10. Whats your favourite fantasy people sandwich?
Jon Hamm and…Jon Hamm 😉
11. What characteristics do you dislike in yourself?
I react first and then think sometimes. I need to take more time to think before I speak.
12. Your favourite item of clothing and why?
Nothing. I hate my clothes right now.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be and who would it be with?
Ooooh. So many places. But I’d have to say Australia/New Zealand.
14. If you could have any animal/creature, What would be your ultimate pet be?
Nothing. I am not a pet person.
15. What did you want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be?
It changed all the time!
16. Whats the next planned event you’re looking to in your life?
Disney Cruise with my kids!
17. What were you doing before you started this?
Talking on the phone…still am.
18. What was the last thing you ate that you really shouldn’t of ?
Starbucks Chai Tea Latte.
19. If you were an ice cream/haagen daz/ben an jerrys flavour what would you be?
No idea. I don’t really get this one.
20. Who was the last person you spoke to that you didn’t want to talk to?
The customs agent at the airport. I just wanted to get home.
21. What was your favourite toy as a child . . .and now?
Barbies as a child. Now? My iPhone.
When was the last time you cried laughing and why?
With my big sis Kath when we went to see Priscilla Queen of the Desert.
23. What is stashed under your bed/mattress?
Dust bunnies.
24. What did you dream about last night?
My little newborn baby nephew. I miss him!
25. What are you really afraid of?
Dying young or something happening to my kids. So very afraid.