Are you just starting out on an exercise program? Can’t seem to find the energy or motivation? Well research indicates that it takes about 21 days to create a habit and after that, the good feelings you are creating will just about take care of themselves.
In fact, this is so much the case that exercise can actually be classified as an addiction to some people! Research suggests that those who pursue intense, high-endurance sports, such as running, cycling and swimming, exert intensive stress on their bodies. In response to this stress they produce addictive substances called Beta-endorphins.
Endorphins are hormones secreted by the pituitary gland in response to physical stress. These hormones are known to block pain, decrease appetite, decrease anxiety and induce feelings of euphoria. (They are also chemically related to the drug morphine!)
No ones saying you need to start running marathons tomorrow, but have faith that the temporary pain of starting will be a small pay out for the amazing feeling you will have when you have stuck with your exercise program long term!
Success secrets for those just starting:
1) Read Andreas Self Coaching Tips below.
2) Set yourself up for success. Don’t aim for something unattainable when you first start, set a goal of something YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO.
3) Give yourself the tools to help you on your way, good shoes, comfortable clothes, a good sleep, healthy foods etc can all make the process much more enjoyable.
4) Prioritize it. Don’t let anyone tell you to put it off. This is part of your schedule now and it is as important, if not more important, than anyone elses time.
5) Make a date. If you are concerned you won’t wake up on time or leave work early enough, book an appointment to meet someone, whether it be a personal trainer, an old friend, or a new acquaintance.
Well I got 3 days of the stairs last week. But I went from 15-20-25 times up and down.
This weeks goal is to do the stairs at least 4 times. I never thought of the nut butter! Great idea. Gives me an excuse to try something new! Havn’t used any weights yet. Will try to remember. Having mommy mush brain this week!
Way to go Autumn!
You will be our inspiration! 6 kids to watch and you are motivated to make change. Good for you.
I can’t agree with you more about small changes. Maybe you add something every 3 weeks, for now the stairs, the breakfast and the water. That is plenty. Next you can think about adding the weights….
The only thing I would recommend is that you eat a little something before you workout. Just a piece of fruit will do, perhaps a small scoop of natural nut butter (ie. almond, peanut) on it as well. If you wait too long before eating your metabolism will start to slow down so aim to have something within about 1 hour of getting up.
Keep in touch and let us know how it is going!
Took me a few days just to get back HERE!!! 6 kids=distraction….
Everyone is gone from the house at 8:30 A.M. Going to start up and down stairs until my legs are jello..THEN I will eat breakfast. I’ve heard if you excercise FIRST you will eat LESS. I’m making a small chart right now to put next to the computer…to remind myself ech morning to do this. I’ve also learned in the past to make ONE small change at a time..if you try to change too many things at once it is too difficult to stick with…it takes 21 days for something to become a habit…then incorporate another small change….
I HAVE already started drinking more water. Dehydration can also make you a miserable moody person..headaches etc…thus hard to focus on your goals.
At the end of this week..maybe I’ll carry some weights besides the occasional baby or laundry baskets which throw your weight off center and hurt your back!!
Practising proper body posture while excercising is a good idea too. It will give maximum benefits and less pain.
Another cheap and inspirational way to exercise is to find something you really enjoy! Our local library now allows free downloadable books. My plan is to get an MP3 player and download the books and use them while walking every day! I did that last summer and found that it really worked as I enjoyed the books so it combined my interests with exercise!
Hi Autumn,
It is always hard to start a program so I suggest the following words become a bit of a mantra for you for the next while. MOTIVATION FOLLOWS ACTION. Don’t wait to get motivated before you start, action first and the motivation to continue will come.
Set small, attainable goals to start and see if you can find another mom in the neighbourhood who may have similar goals and then commit to meeting her on a regular basis.
Ideas that are low budget? Along with doing stairs everyday you can go to the local library and get great exercise videos you can do….a small set of dumbells (or soup cans) or a resistance band can add intensity when you are ready. Dancing with your kids is an excellent cardio workout and squats and pushups are excellent all over body toners.
Write back and let me know what your exercise plan is for the next two weeks. Be specific and make it attainable because I am going to ask you to report back in and let me know how it went!
Ideas for people on very limited budget are appreciated. We have 4 children full time and 2 more part-time. Resourses are very thin! Stairs it is to-day! I definately need to find support, my motivation is very low.
Dear Gnarly,
I can’t guarantee anything but I have had many clients that were overweight and started running. Remember, it is a learn to run program so you won’t be in there with seasoned (and presumably thin) runners. Time to get out of your comfort zone and take a risk!!
Dear Autumn C,
Any exercise is good exercise so if it is walking in the cemetary or going up and down your stairs at home just start it and stick with it. There are some great at home videos you can get, online advise etc. However, if you are someone that has a hard time with follow through I recommend you get some support, have you ever thought about getting a personal trainer at a gym?
I had my annual physical last week. Apparantly I need to lose 25 pds. Not as much as I thought. I have no idea where to start. I was thinking taking the baby in stroller and start with speed walking at the cemetary. The only place where alot of people will NOT see me!! This is all going to be a stretch for me. The only excercise I have done in last 14 yrs is chase kids around, and I guess it hasn’t been good enough!!
Gread advise – I really need this! I tend to start of doing too much and easily get discouraged.
Great advise Christine. Exercise is a great habit to get into.
I am a bit overweight but I can’t seem to diet very successfully. Do you think that a learn to run program might help motivate me? Will I be the only bigger one there?
Advice for getting back into running safely? Do it slowly and get the advise of a professional. You don’t want to risk hurting yourself again so why don’t you see if there is a Running Room or something like it in your area? They have great learn to run clinics that can start you off slowly but surely…
Keep it up!
I was one of those “I will NEVER run” people. But I decided one summer to try a 10k running program from a book that a friend recommended. I promised myself I would stick to it before making a decision about whether I was a runner or not. I completed the program and it was really hard work but by the end of it I was a runner! Not a fast one. Not a pretty one. But someone who craved the feeling of running.
Since then I have run in a few 10k and 5k runs but have injured myself. It has been over two months since I was able to run and want to get back into it but am not sure how to do it safely. I don’t want to start from scratch again either – too discouraging. Any advice?